Chapter One

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I was currently inside Carter's room cleaning the windows with Windex. My reflection was clear on the glass window. I saw my plain jet black hair slightly gelled up, brown eyes, my black suit with a small red bowtie on it, and a blank expression on my face. The sun was slowly rising and saw it shining brightly, causing me to wince my eyes a little.

It was a sunny yet cold Sunday morning and felt like what I usually felt everyday: exhausted. But that didn't stop me from doing my job here at the Hayward's mansion which I also called my home.

I sighed and turned around to see Carter sleeping peacefully on his bed with no shirt on. Although he looked so angelic in his sleep, I had to wake him up because breakfast was ready.

"Sir Carter it's seven in the morning. Your breakfast is waiting for you downstairs." I announced, slightly shaking his bare shoulder. After a couple seconds passed by, Carter immeadiatley opened his eyes, looking at me with annoyance written all over his face.

"Five more minutes." He replied. He grabbed a fluffy pillow beside him and used it to cover his face.

"Sir Carter, your mother is expecting you to come down once I wake you up. She won't be pleased when she finds out you're late. Besides, everyone is there waiting for you at the dining table."

Carter took the pillow off his face and gave me that annoyed look again. "Dude, stop calling me 'sir' I thought we went over this already like a million times," he paused for a second before continuing, "and tell my mom to wait a little. I'm trying to take in the last few minutes before getting up and feeling like shit."

"I think sir is the best way to address the person I am serving. Even though we're best friends, I don't think it's appropriate for me to just call you Carter unless we're out in public. I feel like your parents will think I'm disrespecting you." I lied.

I call him 'Sir Carter' just so I can annoy him. Ha..

Carter rolled his eyes instead. "Michael, mom has known you for almost twelve years and has gotten used to you by now. I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit if you call me by just my first name."

"Well I think it sounds more natural when I say it here since I'm your personal butler."

"To me, it sounds annoying. Just stop calling me 'sir' and say my name instead. I don't mind if it's just you."

I felt my heart flutter.

Ignoring what just happened, I decided to stay on topic to get my mind off what Carter said a couple seconds ago.

I don't mind if it's just you.

"Don't get mad at me when your mom finds out that you're late for breakfast. She is looking forward to this since you guys barely eat together as a family."

"I don't care, just tell her I'll be there in a few."

I slightly nodded then grabbed the Windex spray bottle but before I could even leave the room, Carter stopped me.

"Wait Michael," he said, making me turn around and look back at him.


"Your bow tie is a little crooked." He smirked.

I frowned a little and saw that he was right and quickly fixed it. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I turned around and closed his bedroom door shut. Looking ahead of the narrow hallway right in front of me.

I forced myself to move my legs to get from point A to point B. I walked down the red spiral stair case, glancing at all the family photos on the striped dark blue walls.

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