Anyu's mind raced as the imminent battle came closer and closer. She glanced to the wrist of her left hand and quickly looked away, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She could never wield her spear again. It was a two handed weapon, impossible for someone with only one hand to use. How would she hunt, how would she survive without her spear strong and secure in her hands?

With great effort, she pushed the despairing thoughts away and focused her mind upon the current situation. She still had in her belt a single weapon, if it could be called that- a snow-knife, a simple blade carved of whale bone, about the length of her forearm. 

It was never meant for hunting or combat, thus why its tip was flat and square rather than pointed. It was a tool for cutting through ice, whether to build an igloo or saw through a frozen lake. But it was a blade, nonetheless- it would serve its purpose.

And it's not your only weapon, Anyu forcefully reminded herself. She used her teeth to tug off the mitten on her right hand. The biting wind rushed against her skin, but her fingers felt warm and sure.

She examined her hand for a minute, unsure of what she was looking for. She flexed her fingers, curled them into a fist. She prayed to whatever spirits were watching over her that she would know, when the time came, how to use this power.

Anyu exhaled slowly, the steam of her breath instantly dissipating in the rushing wind of their momentum. She withdrew the snow-knife from her belt, gripping the bone handle tightly.

She could make out their shapes now. Four figures moving in the opposite direction of the catastrophic storm on Yahal.

Anyu straightened as Shesh's speed brought them closer and closer. Siku and Sakari weren't moving nearly fast enough to outrun him. Anyu moved to pat his flank, like she always did to reassure her friend, but was once again reminded of her missing hand. She winced and withdrew it.

"We're almost there, Shesh," She told him instead, and felt him pick up one last burst of speed.

It was clear that Siku was not at her full strength- how could she be while she was controlling the monstrous ice storm behind them? It would keep the summer indwellers trapped on the mountain for a little longer. Not forever, but long enough for Siku to escape with her granddaughter and their two prisoners.

Anyu felt sweat bead on her neck despite the cold. The summer indwellers were trapped on Yahal for now and wouldn't be able to stop the fleeing tyrant in time. She was the only one able to stop Siku now.

Her heart leapt when she caught sight of Kano and Tavra. Their wrists were both bound with manacles of ice. Sakari, her long black hair whipping in the wind, held the end of the chains and dragged them forward.

Tavra was in human form, his dark hair tangled and standing on end. He was hunched over as he walked, as if he were trying to fold in on himself and disappear. It made him look even smaller and younger than ever.

Kano had Tavra's arm over his shoulders, supporting him as much as he could. His steps were shaky but he somehow dragged Tavra forward with him. With his free hand he clutched his stomach. Blood dripped from between his fingers and into the snow.

A heat flared in Anyu's chest, not warm or comforting, but burning and angry. She bared her teeth in a snarl as they approached. Shesh growled as well upon seeing their friends hurt, the rumbling noise vibrating in his chest.

Kano and Siku caught sight of her at the same moment. Kano burst into a grin so wide one could almost forget how battered and beaten he was. Almost. Anyu tried to meet his eyes as Shesh barreled across the remaining distance between them. I'm sorry, she tried to say. I'll save you, I promise.

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