Chapter 5

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Wake up, brush my teeth, take a shower, wear school Uniform, comb hair, eat breakfast and get to school on time.

I know. My morning Routine is boring. That's why I won't get too much in to it. Let's start with school.

*At school*

"Lucy! Josh! Hey, behind you", we suddenly hear someone shout at us. As we turn around, we see you it was.

"Joey! Heeey", I shout back as I see him running towards us as we just entered the school.

He gives me a hug while questioning why I don't hang around with the gang as much as Josh does. I explained him my situation with KaibaCorp, that I work there as Kaiba's PA and stuff.

"I ain't gettin' why you work for that douche." He remarked.

"Oh, look. Speaking of the devil and not even a sec later Mr. Moneybags arrives. Morning Koiba." Joey mocked as Kaiba gets out of the Limo and is also walking towards the entrance.

"Shut up, Mutt. Be a good boy and stop barking." Kaiba responds as he passes us. But I noticed him turning slightly and looking at me.

Why do they always have to do this every Single day?

As we go to class only about 10 Students were until now there. Kaiba, Téa, Yugi, Tristan, Bakura, Duke and and 4 other ones, who's names I still don't know.

"Heey look how just arrived!"  Téa screams as she sees Josh, Joey and me.
They are all gathered at Yugi's desk, so we joined them. I gave them all a hug, while Josh just gave them his hand. I mean, he is a Boy so I get it.

"We were wondering if both of you would like to join us for sushi this afternoon. Would you like to come?" Yugi asks, smiling at Josh and me.

Joey looks at him pissed and asks why the hell no one asked him.

"Joey, we didn't have to ask, cause you are always up when we do something." Tristan explains to him.

Oh no, now I have to explain why I can't come. "Sorry guys, I have work today. But hey, Josh will come." I have to admit that it kinda does feel really crappy when all of your friends go out and you can't, cause you have a professional job.

"I ain't taking a no! You're never there! Just ask Mr. Moneybags over there if you get today off." Joey practically demands, while the other also complain about me never being there.

"Come on. We'll ask him right now". Joey draggs me over to Kaiba, who is sitting on the other side of the room, reading.

"Joey stop! JOEY!"

"What do you two want?" Kaiba asks with a cold and really scary voice.

"Lucy has to ask you something. Go on Lucy, tell him." Joey responds with a big mouth. He sure is confident, while I am not. Fuck.

"Ahm..ahm I-I wanted to ask if I c-could get today.. off." I respond with a shaky and shy voice. Kaiba will be so mad.

"I mean, I don't have to. It's not that important. I was just wondering.." I qickly add before Kaiba cut in and responded him self.

"Sure, but I need to know why." He says with a understanding voice. Wow that was not what I expected.


Suddenly Joey interrupts me, saying "She is going out with her friends- something you can't do, since you don't have friends."

"What did I say earlier? I said stop barking, you mutt." Kaiba mocks back at Joey.

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