I Did...

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"AJ... this isn't your fault." Roman says staring at me.
"You don't have to lie to me Roman. Seth is sad and I'm the one to cause it." I say feeling the tears welp up in my eyes.
"It's not AJ, this is what you need to be happy then be it AJ."
"But, But I don't know if I'm happy making someone sad." I say.
"AJ-." I cut him off by walking away.
I walked all around the building but I can't say I feel any better. I was supposed to go out there but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I make it back to the girls locker room and see the TV.
Neville is fighting Stardust tonight, they've been on some sorta be my hero kinda storyline for the past four weeks.
I walk into the locker room and sit on one of the benches.
"Your a real whore you know." I hear someone say.
"Excuse me?" I say looking up from my shoes.
"You lead on Seth and now your with Dean leading him on but we both know your just a whore that's in love with two dudes." Paige laughs.
"And we just know your just a prostitute who slept with another girl's boyfriend for money." I say coldly. She says nothing more than rolls her eyes and walks out.
I find Dean backstage talking to Roman about something, and I hide in a room so I don't have to talk to him.
"Get out." I hear a voice say from behind me. I jump and turn around to find Seth sitting on an upside down metal bucket.
"Seth...?" I question. He looks up and stands quickly.
"Oh..um... AJ." He says wiping his tears with the back of his hands.
His face is red and his nose is bleeding.
"Oh my god Seth, what happened?" I say trying to grab his face.
He moves out of grips, holding my wrists.
"You didn't see?" He questions.
"See what?" I ask.
"Your Little boyfriend attacked me backstage." He says looking down and letting go of my wrists.
"He did what?!" I scream.
"AJ, it's fine. I deserve it. I shouldn't be in love with you." He says not looking up.
"Se-." I try saying but he attempts to walk out of the room.
"Seth!" I scream pushing him against the wall. "You can't keep saying your in love with me." I say as he keeps wiping the blood and tears from his face. "You can't keep doing this to me. Because every time you say this stuff I begin to think of you. instead of seeing the guy who pushed me to ground I see the guy who held me every time I cried. I see you, I see you in my dreams, in the drivers side of the car, in the bed right beside me. Seth I can't keep seeing you." I say letting everything I have out.
"You don't think I mean it? You don't think I see you?  I see you in my favorite T-shirt. I see you in my car. I see you skipping down the ring. I see you AJ. I see you every time I workout. I see you in my bed, my shower, my couch. And how I wish I didn't." He says as tears stream down onto his T-shirt. "I see you in everything I do."
I don't say anything all I do is stand there frozen in time. He grabs my cheeks in his huge palms , and breathes in deep. I close my eyes for just a second. I open them and he's halfway out the door.
I sit on the hotel bed as Dean takes a shower and I can't focus on anything but Seth. I grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down a note to Dean
Had to run some errands be back soon.
I leave it taped on the bathroom door. I don't actually have to run errands, so I just get my exercise by walking up and down the stairs of the hotel.
Up and down, up and down.
I try to focus my mind on each step I take and my breathing. I focus so much on my steps I hit someone coming down when I'm going up. I lose my balance and fall down three or four steps.
"AJ, I'm so sorry." I look up to see Seth with his hand out reaching to help me up.
Great now I'll see him in the steps, the only place I had that was just me and Dean's.
"No, my fault...sorry." I say pulling myself off the floor ignoring his hand. I begin to walk past him.
"April?" He says I turn around to meet his gaze.
"Don't April me. You walked away from me this time. I don't wanna hear it." I say turning back around to head up the stairs.
"I walked away... cause I didn't wanna kiss you while you had a boyfriend again." He says stopping me in my tracks. We're only seven to eight steps away from each other but the tension is strong.
I turn around but no words can form. He begins to slowly walk up the steps.
"I walked away because I knew if I stayed I would ruin you." He says only three steps away. "I don't wanna mess your world up again." He says looking down at his feet.
I take the two more steps to where I'm standing right in front of him.
"My world was never messed up by you." I say sadly.
"You had a great boyfriend, you loved going to work. You loved him. And I-I kissed you." He says so passionately.
"I had a boyfriend who cheated on me, I didn't love going to work. And I kissed you back." I say looking him in the eyes.
"But you loved him..." He says looking away from me.
"I did..." "I-I mean I do..." I correct myself. "I-I think I do." I begin to tear up at the thought that I might not be in love with the person I thought I would spend my life with almost a year ago.
"I-I have to go..." I tell Seth before running up to my floor. I walk in the room to find Paige and Dean talking.

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