The Catastrophe Begins

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Shane calls me back to his office, and I don't think he was too happy with what just happened earlier on in the show.
As I walk to his door I beat he deeply to prepare myself I walk into to see Daniel and Dean sitting it two chairs on separate sides of the room with three security guards in the middle of them.
Dean hears me come in and stands up and motions to his chair so that I can sit. I sit down and he stands beside side me blocking my view of Daniel for my safety.
Shane stands over his table, smiling.
"I have the perfect idea to settle this and you And AJ to keep your jobs. We make this a story line!" He says and the words sink in so deeply that I can feel them in my gut. I bite my nails as Dean just stares down at me.
Daniel stands up and begins to yell at Shane.
"If you wanna keep your job I suggest you sit down right now!" Shane says and his voice booms across the room.
I feel my eyes begin to tear and I choke out "will I have to kiss him?" I question Shane "Daniel I mean."
"No, not the way he treats you and he should be fired for that but his contract doesn't expire for another two years." Shane says slowing his voice down and speaking soft as a mouse.
"Ok." Dean says
"Okay." I chime in. "If this is the only way I'll do it."
"Then its settles the feud will start later tonight, Daniel you do a promo for you and Dean to dual for the lady." Shane says switching his eyes between me and Daniel.
Daniel furiously leaves the room slamming the door behind him. Security opens the door back up for me and Dean to leave. Shane calls after me "I'm glad your okay AJ." I turn around and half smile at him before shutting the door myself.
I wait on one of the metal chairs for Daniel to come out and make his speech.
I jump as his annoying music plays and he chants "No,No,No" walking down to the ring alone. He stands in the middle of the ring holding a microphone so close to his mouth it booms through the entire arena as he talks.
"Earlier on this year I sent my sweet but insane girlfriend to a mental institution for her to get better because she pushed me off this very turnbuckle" he says pointing to the second one from the bottom. "So she would not go to jail I sent her to there instead to protect my princess for a cold cell and instead brought her to some place I could visit in between my career here on WWE, but some low life creep decide to mess up my baby's brain." He says looking down at the floor holding back some fake tears. "He stole the love of my life right out of my arms... And I want this guy to come out her right now and face me!" He begins to yell without a single tear in his eye anymore.
It takes a minute for Deans music to come on. As soon as it does he comes running out and into the ring.
"You wanted me, here I am. What you gonna do?" He says stepping closer and closer as Daniel backs up slowly.
"Dean, Dean, Dean" he says smacking his lips.
"Back up first of all." he says nudging Dean away with his hand. "Second of all. You, me, Summer Slam!"
Dean looks him in the eyes fighting the urge to punch him. Daniel steps in Deans face and Dean pushes him into the ropes.
That's my cue or at least I think it is, we're making this up as we go for tonight.
My music plays I run down into the middle of them as Daniel "accidentally" pushes me. Daniel looks shocked as Dean catches me. He sets me aside gently, he goes to punch Daniel but he ducks out of the ring, looking at me a fake apologizing as Deans music plays and the crowd boos Daniel all the way to backstage.
Dean picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, and arms around his neck, as he kisses me and the crowd goes wild. We stop and we giggle as we let go. He holds the ropes open a slip through them smiling my biggest smile. Dean follows me as I skip nall the way to the backstage.
I go to the locker room to change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black pierce the veil T-Shirt I had from, Before I left I stuffed a pair of clothes in my locker for emergencies in there.
I walk out of the locker room and everybody is gathered around in the corner I push through trying to see.
Its Dean, Seth, and Roman swarming Daniel.
Dean has him pushed up against the wall with his forearm crushing his throat.
"Dean!" I grab his arm that he was about to punch Daniel with. He turns around, he's pouring with sweat and his eyes are full of rage.  Roman picks me up and takes me away, I kick and scream for him to put me down. He takes me all the way outside and sets me in front of him.
"You can't let him do that!" I yell
"Dean is crazy, but he's smart, he can handle himself hun." He says rubbing my head and messing my hair up.
"Why'd you take me away?!"
"Dean told me to, he saw Daniel trying to go to the locker room and he grabbed him and threw him in the corner. He had him pinned up there.  I tried to get him off, he got all crazy eyes and just told me to protect you."
I could see it in my head like everything he was saying I could see it happening. "Roman I don't need 'protection'."
"You do and I can't let you do anything stupid, Dean is in love with you, he would kill me"
Seth walks out, he moves his hair out of his eyes, and says "I think Dean's calm, He wants to see you." Looking at me.
Seth walks in front of me leading me and Roman behind me supposedly 'trying to protect me'.
I can see Dean down the hall a little I run towards him. His nose is bleeding but he seems fine. I sit on his lap taking my shirt off and wiping the blood off his nose.
"Babe put your shirt back on!" He says trying to cover my boobs apparently.
"I have a sports bra on! And everyone here knows what my stomach looks like." I chuckle.
"Fine!" He says pulling me closer to him.
"Y'all some nasty little love birds" Seth chuckles.
I've known Seth for a few minutes and we're already best friends.
Dean just blushes at me moving the stubborn piece of hair, that stays in the middle of my face, behind my ear.
"I'm glad your happy bro." Roman says winking at me. His bright white teeth flash a smile and walks away with Dean.

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