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Thrusday roles around and I find myself not listening to a word Brie is saying.
"AJ!" Brie snaps her fingers in my face.
"Yeah?" I look up at her.
"Are you listening to me. Come on I need your help picking out a dress for me and the other AJ's date tonight." She pouting her lip.
"The black one." I say looking back down at the floor. I slowly close my eyes feeing the heaviness of my "Love Triangle." At least that's what Nikki calls it.
"AJ, there was no black one." She says.
"Show me again." I huff as she brings out the three dresses again.
"This one?" She says holding up a pink frilly dress with a bow tied around her waist. I shake my head no.
"This one?" She says again walking out in a little skimpy red dress that shows her curves perfectly.
"You wanna look like a stripper?" I question her with a chuckle. She slaps my arm and walks back into the bathroom and comes out again. She puts her hands in the air showing me this luxurious velvety purple dress. It hugs her curves right, shows off her hella nice boobs, and her nice long legs.
"Absolutely!!" I yell. She struts and poses all across the room and I have to fake laugh to show that I'm not thinking about Seth or Dean.
But as soon as I do, my luck Paige walks in, I throw everything down and go after her. Brie runs in front of me and pushes me back from her.
"Wow, someone's mad." Paige chuckles. "How does it feel to have your heart ripped from your chest." She laughs.
"How does it feel to be a whore." I say leaning halfway over Brie. She slaps me across the cheek and my cheeks flood with anger and I boil over. I move Brie enough to get past her and when I'm on Paige, Brie can't stop.
I punch and punch and punch until the WWE superstars flood into the locker room pulling me off. I feel arms tuck me at the waist and hands pulling my nails out of Paige's face. The same dude helps Paige back to her feet. She's dizzy and bleeding. She only has one fingernail indention on her cheek and a bloody nose.
She'll be fine but when I look up I'm not.
The person with his arms wrapped around me is Seth and Dean helped Paige up and tugged my nails out of her. I feel my heart break when he leans her head up looking at the damage I had done.
He does that when he wipes my tears, he does that to kiss me. He lied... He is in love with Paige too. He wasn't drunk when they had sex, he was lucid and awake. And I turn around to Seth a plant a kiss on his lips. He is startled at first but begins to kiss back. His hands linger to my back and I feel my heart beginning to beat faster.
"AJ! My office now!" Shane yells. I let go of Seth and turn around to Dean just staring at me. I push my hair behind my ears and Seth leads me to Shane's office so I don't attack Paige again.
"Yes..." I say looking down at the ground as I sit in his very uncomfortable office.
"I don't care about the whole Paige thing. This is about a new storyline." He says clearing his voice. "So the whole Dolph thing was very stupid on my part so Harry changed Dolph to Seth Rollins." He says and before his words could even come out my jaw was draped open.
"The media had got hold of y'all and fans want AJ and Seth Rollins." He says.
Its like my jaw is broken and I can't lift it to shut it back.
All I can think is what about Dean and AJ...?What did I do...?
I go to sit on the bench and wait for my time to go out. Seth comes and sits directly next to me and my heart starts to beat so fast I bet he can hear it.
"You okay?" He asks Laying his hand on my knee.
"I'm... fine..." my voice cracking as I feel my heart breaking saying such lies. I see Dean walking towards me and it breaks little more with each of his steps.
"AJ!" He yells. Seth stands in front of me and tries to tell him to stop yelling at me.
"What the HELL was that! Kissing this ugly ass dude in front of me. I tried to help you through what he put you through! How could you?"
"Really! How could you? That's the real question!" I yell back.
"What are you talking about?" He asks confused.
"Helping her. Caressing her. Having sex with her. You weren't drunk were you?!" I scream.
"I-I-I-" he gets cut off my Paige coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Oh come on. Just tell her." She says smiling at Dean.
"Tell me what...?" I ask.
"Oh you don't know..." she asks. "I'm Pregnant." She says smiling the biggest grin at me. I tried to beat up a pregnant woman.
"Oh that means you can't wrestle." I say smirking.
"Oh honey, I can still watch as my man kicks your mans ass." She says pointing her hand at Seth.
"I'm not her Man." He says aggressively.
I begin to lose sight of what's happening but my theme music begins to play and I head out to the ring.
I can't even fake it tonight. I walk slowly and confused to the ring. Everyone's cheers begins to fade as they realize I'm hurt. I walk to the ring and Lilian hands me her microphone.
"Tonight... ummm... tonight I found out that... that... ummm.... the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.... he has officially called off the relationship we had.
You know it's hard but...I'll make it through... I always have... I've always have had one person by my side the entire time... Seth Rol-"
Dean's music begins to play and he stomps down the ramp with microphone in hand.
"Don't lie to all these people AJ! Don't you dare make me out to be the bad guy when after me and Paige kissed you kissed my best friend. " the whole crowd gasps.
"Well I wouldn't have to kiss your best friend if you wouldn't have cheated on me." As soon as I say that Dean steps closer to me almost face to face.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that little girl." He says as Seth music begins to play and Dean quickly turns around.

A Psycho Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now