Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?

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I wake up in Bries bed. Brie and Dean are arguing with each other and Seth is sitting on the edge of the bed.
"What's going on?"
"The part where you passed out again or what there fighting about?" Seth turns around.
"Them." I say pointing to them.
"Well there fighting for you."
"Huh?" I'm so confused.
"Dean apparently didn't cheat on you and Brie is trying to get him to leave."
"I say him with my own eyes!" I scream. Brie and Dean turn around and quit arguing.
"Hey gorgeous." Dean says walking towards me. Seth stands in his way. "Let me talk to my girlfriend!" Dean pushes Seth.
Seth trips and falls onto me. "Dean!" I scream trying to pick Seth back up.
"Get out!" I scream.
"I-I didn't-" Dean starts
"Get out!!!" I scream louder.
"Please." Dean says his eyes filling with thick tears.
"Please, just go." I say as my tears run down my cheeks. He leaves and Brie runs down to breakfast.
"I was out for that long?"
"Yep you past out around 12 in the morning and was out for about 5 to 6 hours. Then passed out again at 3 last night and here we are." He chuckles.
I think about Paige's skinny body on Dean's. His muscles wrapped around her waist and there lips touching. I feel tears come to my eyes again.
"Oh AJ please don't cry." He says wrapping his arms around me pulling me close into a hug.
"Seth... I don't-I don't think we should be-be around each other right now." I cough out.
"AJ?" He says letting go.
"I just need some time alone..." I say.
He gets up but before he leaves he kisses my forehead. As the door shuts behind him I break into tears. Why? Why me?! I'm in love with two people...
Its SmackDown Live time. I feel a big whole in my heart I lost two of the most important people in my life about 4 days ago.
"I can't do this." I whisper to myself.
"Can't do what?" Some dude says but I'm so dizzy I can't even look up at him.
"Nothing." I say and He bends down and lifts my chin to meet his blue eyes.
"Oh honey. You cant lie to me."
"Leave me alone Dolph!" I scream.
"Why would you want that?" He questions.
"I'm pretty sure she said leave her alone."
"And who are you?" Dolph says turning around. He backs up as he finally realize who it is.
"I'm Mr. Money In The Bank and she said leave her alone!" Seth says. "So I suggest you get lost." Dolph huffs and just walks away.
"You okay?" Seth asks putting his hand on my back. I feel chills down my spine.
I quickly scoot over to give him room to sit.
He quickly sits taking up the offer.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"...I have... no one..." I say beginning to cry making it hard for my words to form.
"AJ,... you'll always have me." Seth says pulling me by my side closer to him.
"I... I still have to do this stupid storyline every week with Dean and that Creep." I blurt out. "And I lost you..."
"AJ... you never lost me." He says grabbing my face. "I'm always gonna be in love with you." He says and sadly looks down to his lap.
I look behind him to see Dean with arm against the wall flirting with Paige.
I see that and it infuriates me. I jerk Seth's Hand from my face and walk quickly after Dean. I grab his arm and turn him around. His face is in a Absolute Surprise as I slap him across the face. His Surprise quickly fades to Anger and I step back finally realizing what I had just done.
"How could you!" I scream and run away. Dean and Seth follow me. I'm in shame so I run into a janitors closet. I lay down on the nasty floor cause I don't wanna pass out.
I sit there for a few seconds before Seth and Dean are breaking down the door. I huddle up in the corner and begin to cry. Seth bends down to wipe my tears but Dean pushes him aside.
"AJ, let me explain... please."
"What you-you wan-na tell me your in lo-ve with a w-hore."
"I don't love her, I love- !" He screams before Seth hits him in the back of the head with a metal bucket knocking him unconscious and Dean falls on top of me.
Seth aggressively rips him off of me and picks me up in this arms. He cradles me like a baby and carries me to the men's locker room. No one in there though. Except my luck cameras. They film Seth carrying me and setting me down. He jumps at them and they all flee like flies.
"Yes?" He asks
"I-I can't do this." I say hugging him.
"Can't do what?" He asks wrapping his arms around me.
"I can't keep doing this with you, it's not fair. I cant keep falling for you and every time something ruins it." I say letting go. I try leaving but before I can Dean barrels over me. He knocks me on my butt.
"AJ, oh god, I'm so sorry."
I get up and just leave.
"AJ!" They both yell at the same time.
I cant stop not right now I keep walking, looking down at my shoes.
"AJ, five minutes." A crew member says.
I shake my head and get ready to go out. My music begins to play and I see Dolph standing in the ring. I skip sadly down the ring not even able to force a smile.
I can barely hear Dolph because I'm trying to hold back all the tears I have bubbling. Dean music begins to play and he runs to the ring and stands in front of me.
He looks back with sad eyes which turn into anger as he tells at Dolph.
"You don't deserve her!" Dolph yells.
"Probably not, but she loves me!" Dean screams.
He's right, I love him. I love him more than anything. I cant not be in love with Dean.
"You think she deserves to me cheated on?" Dolph says angerily.
"What?" I whisper to myself.
"What are you doing!" Dean yells.
"Oh don't even try to hid it we all know about you making out with Paige." Dolph laughs.
I have to act surprised and I just let out the tears I've been holding in.
"Ho-w could-d y-ou..." I choke out.
"AJ..." he says wiping my tears with the back of his hands. I rip his hand away.
"I think it's time for an actual match between us Dean."
"Think it is!" Dean turns around and yells in his face. Paige's music plays and she stands at the top of the ramp.
"How bout we make it a tag team match! Me and my Deany versus AJ and you!" She yells.
"I'm not scared of you or Deany!" I scream.
"Then show me!" Paige screams.
Lilian gets in the ring and calls out the match.
"The following contest is a mixed tag team match Scheduled for one fall. From Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee and her Tag Team partner weighing in at 218 pounds, Dolph Ziggler" there are boos and cheers. " and there opponents introducing first from Norwich, Untied Kingdom, Paige and her Tag Team partner weighing in at 225 pounds, Dean Ambrose!" Everyone boos. Dean doesn't look to happy about being her partner. She forces a kiss upon him, knocking I'm looking.
Dean pushes her a bit to get her off and stares at my tear filled eyes.
I really need Seth right now. I grab my chest. I cant breathe. Is this what a heartbreak feels like?

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