The street lights are flickering on one by one as we continue toward my increasingly familiar neighborhood. I'm grateful for Ryou's company, especially because sometimes things get a little shady around here when it's the weekend, and I want no part of it. Normally Daiki would walk me back, especially since my baked goods will still be fresh and he can eat and walk at the same time without any fear of choking. Today I have Ryou, a nice change of pace, and he's in an unusually good mood, even for how cheerful he normally is.

I can't help but feel that Ryouta's cheerful attitude is nothing short of contagious, even if it's at times nearly unbearable. I find myself more chipper and singsong-y than I've been since leaving Teiko for Touou. I'm not complaining, of course, merely stating a fairly well known fact. I'm definitely not the peppiest person around, but I'm definitely not the most negative, either. I'm somewhere in the middle. I guess I'm mostly just neutral.

"How's Kaijou, anyway? It looks like a nice school from the time I went to watch your game." I ask, watching the grinning blond carefully. "The campus was pretty." The blond only grins wider.

"Gonna leave Aominecchi and Momoicchi for me?" He teases. "Kasamatsu-senpai might like you." I roll my eyes.

"Sure, sure, Ryou. It looks like a good fit for you." I reply with a sloppy grin. "I'm happy you found a school you like."

"You should come watch another game, Haicchi! But don't fall asleep this time, okay-ssu?" The blond is giving me the eyes. Not just, you know, a puppy look. It's far more advanced. The Look. The Eyes. No matter how hard I try to look away, I can't seem to do it. "Pleeeeeease come watch a game, Haicchi~!"

I groan and look away. "Stop giving me the Look, Ryouta." I say as I try to block the blond's face from view. It's not an expression I can ever say no to, and he knows this very, very well. It's gotten me to do more things than I'll ever be willing to admit. The blond merely moves my hands and amplifies the puppy in his expression.

Enough is enough, I decide, as the urge to squeal and squish the blond's face becomes overwhelming. "Fine, fine! I'll go watch a game, Ryouta! And I won't sleep! Happy?" The Look transforms into what I can only describe as the Afterlook.

The Afterlook is pretty much the only expression I can name that shows nothing but utter joy, and no matter how hard I try to resist it, I find myself smiling right back at him. It's basically useless to resist, but I like to try anyway. "Thanks-ssu!" Ryouta chirps cheerfully. "You don't be disappointed." I offer the blond a half-grin.

"Like you ever disappoint me." I reply. It's true that in the past Ryou and I weren't always the closest of friends, but we got along incredibly well. This kid has never let me down, and his unfailing cheer for what seems like just existing makes everything a little brighter. He's practically a human sunbeam.

The blond chirps with excitement and news of his team as we continue along until reaching my building. "This is where we part ways." I say with a smile. "Unless you want to come in?" I guess it's fairly unusual for me to actually invite others into my apartment since the blond looks surprised.

"Thanks, but no thanks-ssu. I'll text you, okay? See you, Haicchi!" Ryouta waves with his trademark grin before walking back down the way we came toward the nearest train station. Seeing the blond has reminded me that I've neglected my friendship to a particular shadow, and that's not something I'm very comfortable with.

At this point, I kind of wonder if he wants anything to do with me. He looked devastated at the end of the game, and at that moment I'd wanted nothing more than to apologize for playing and curl around the bluenette and make him feel better anyway I can. Don't get me wrong, I'm not touchy-feely, or particularly love-struck, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for Tetsuya. He's one of my favorite people on the planet. If I made a list, Tetsuya would definitely be the person at the very top.

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