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Colby's POV

I woke up expecting Nate to be next to me but he wasn't, I shot up out of bed and ran down stairs panicking "w-where's Nate!" I said worried "uh I'm right here?" He said awkwardly and I rolled my eyes and felt slightly embarrassed "why weren't you in bed?" I asked raising my eyebrows "well it's two pm so" he said making everyone laugh "oh you guys are so a couple" Elton said making everyone laugh again "No we aren't!" I defended and I looked over at Nate who had a small blush growing on his face, i laughed to myself and bit my lip a bit "yeah okay 'oh why weren't you in bed then' and 'W-where's Nateeee' " he mocked raising his eyebrow "shut up I was just wondering" I said rolling my eyes "why were y'all in the same bed though I mean you have a couch in your room plus the couches down here and the guest bedroom" he said, I didn't have anything to say to that so I just walked away "mmh" he says all sassy "oh be quiet" I snickered back at him "I'm assuming y'all already ate breakfast" I said walking towards the kitchen "yeah Nate made pancakes, they were so good" sam said, I gasped acting over dramatic "DID YOU SAVE ME ANY" I said once again over dramatic "yes of course I saved you some Colbs" Nate said walking over to me showing me where he put them. "See they are right there" he said pointing to them and they were in plane sight "I feel stupid" I said face palming "your not though" he said a bit quieter "what makes you say that" I did at the same tone he used "because you aren't" he said walking closer to be putting his hand on my chest "GET A FUCKING ROOM" Corey shouted making us jump away from each other "WHATS HAPPENING" everyone yelled rushing into the kitchen but we were already separated "THEY WERE FACE FUCKING HUH?" Elton shouted making everyone laugh "NO WE WEREN'T SHUT UP" I yelled embarrassed I looked at Nate who was as red as a tomato but I probably was too "yeah alright" Elton said and I rolled my eyes "y'all can go now" I said raising my eyebrows "fine you guys can continue your fuck session but your cleaning up the mess" Elton said walking away along with everyone else laughing "ELTON" I shouted "COLBY" he shouted back, I turned to Nate who had his head in his hands "I'm sorry are you alright?" I asked him, he pulled his head away from his hands "I'm alright it's alright" he said "you sure?" I asked him and he nodded yes "I wanna eat my pancakes now" I said changing the subject he he shook his head up and down still not making eye contact and just by that I knew something was wrong so I put my plate down on the counter and stood in front of him making it to where he couldn't go anywhere "what's wrong natey-boo" I smiled at the nickname trying to make him bust (O H OKAY I DONT MEAN LIKE THAT YOU SICKOS) but nothing "Nate tell me!" I said in a demanding voice "I'll tell you later" was all he said before walking up-stairs probably to my room knowing that he knows that that's the only room he's allowed to go in without Permission, I stayed in the kitchen until I had eaten all my pancakes. They were really good but I still couldn't shake off what Nate wanted to tell me.

I walked into the tv room and fell face first onto a love sack and groaning making everyone laugh "you okay buddy" Elton teased "N O" I said flipping myself over "welp that sucks" Elton said and I gave him the middle finger making everyone laugh "where's your boyfriend" Elton teased I was confused for a second but then realized he was talking about Nate "up stairs probably watching YouTube or something" I said casually "WAIT" Elton yelled "wat" I said looking up at him "YOU DIDNT DENY IT SO YOU JUST CONFIRMED IT" he shouted like a 12 year old girl "no I know you'll just never stop so" I said "whatever" he said back sitting back down "what happened between you and Brennen I thought y'all were together" Corey said and a few others agreed "we aren't together anymore and we are leaving it there" I said not going into detail because I didn't feel like it it's a stupid story anyway "I'm gonna go see what Nate's doing" I said getting up and walking upstairs into my room to find a sleeping Nate. That boy really likes sleeping, I grabbed my phone of the bed as I left it up here, to my surprise I saw some missed texts from Brennen I sighed and decided to answer them

B: we need to talk I'm done with not fucking talking about it and I know what I did was wrong and you can hate me all you want but it's something that needs to be talked about

C: what's there to talk about

B: because I miss you and I'm not lying

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair

C: I'm coming over, so you can explain but I'll know if your lying and I'll walk out right out the fucking door If you start lying

I sent the message not caring whether or not he answered. I stood up and put my phone in my pocket and walked down stairs "I'm out tell Nate when he wakes up that I'll be back soon" I yelled to the rest of the guys before shutting the door

~time skip to Brennen's~

I knock on his door it took a minute for him to answer but once he did he smiled and let me in but I stayed straight faced "talk" I demanded "okay." He said taking a deep breath "I know what I did was so fucked up I shouldn't have done it, I don't know what I was thinking all I ask in one more chance please" he said looking at me with puppy dog eyes "maybe" is all I said "I just miss this so much" I stared at him confused "miss wha-" I began to say until I was kissed roughly by Brennen I didn't pull away I couldn't, I can't lie I missed this too. The kiss deepened at some point I crawled into his lap but we never broke the kiss, at this point we were full-on making out his hand ran through my hair tugging it slightly which made me moan I pulled away embarrassed not looking at him "don't be embarrassed it's hot when you moan" he said I could basically hear the smirk in his voice I looked up and sure enough I was right he was smirking at me "so second chance?" He said raising his eyebrow "second chance" I replied "but I should get going it's kinda late" I said picking up my phone and looking at the time which read 8:02 "okay" he said pecking my lips making me blush "love you" Brennen shouted before I shut up door "you too" I said I could let say I loved him again just not yet.

The drive home was strange I felt happy and all it's just like strange I know I already said that but I don't know.

I got back home and opened the door to see everyone was upstairs so I went up stairs too I opened my door to see Nate on my iPad watching something with headphones in "Nateee" I said making him look up he look his headphones out "that's me" he said moving over in bed so I can get in "so where'd you go" he asked me "Brennens" I replied plugging my phone in so it could change over night "ohhhhhh what happened" he said sounding interested "I'm giving him a second chance" I said "good I think he deserves it" he said smiling at me softly "yeah" I reply "hey I'm ready to go back to sleep whenever you are" He said laughing "alright" I said reaching over and turning the light off "night"

How am I gonna explain this to everyone I legit just said today we aren't together anymore

AND BROLBY IS BACK BITCHES. Also side note Colby and Nate Don't actually have feelings for each other that strong like it's there on both sides but don't worry Nates feelings didn't get hurt that Colby is giving Brennen a second chance plus imma start writing about someone Nate may or May not start dating in future chapters.......

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