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Brennens POV

I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

Corinna walks out of the bedroom I guess she put her clothes back on which is good "Brennen" he said confused probably because of what just happened "get out of my house" I say harshly "Brennen what the fuck was that we are dating" she said angry "No Corinna we aren't now leave I'm dating Colby" I say she sighed and rolled her eyes and left I sat on the couch.

What do I do now?
He was finally feeling better
And I fucked everything up
He will never forgive me
He probably hates me
He as every right too
Why did I do this
Why did I fuck up our relationship
This is all my fault
I need to try and talk to him

I picked my phone up and dialed his number. But he didn't answer I called a few more times but no answer just the same it's Colby sorry I couldn't get to the phone I'll call u back later I left a voice mail I doubt he'll listen to it.

I need to talk to him so I decided to go to his house, I walked to my room and put a shirt on and grabbed my keys lock
the door and leave

Colby's POV

I moved to my bed and just sat on the edge my hands held my chin up I wasn't crying anymore I wasn't mad in-fact I didn't feel anything I felt numb like my entire world has crumbled.

Maybe California isn't where I belong right now. Maybe I should go back to Kansas for a little while just until everything works it's self out plus I'd love to see my family again and my dogs and old friends real friends.

Yeah I'll do that. I grabbed my lap-top and looked up plane tickets to Kansas, I'm not telling anyone I'm leaving it'll be easier if I don't I was about to book the tickets but right before I pressed the button someone opened the door I look over to the one person I never wanted to see again right now the person I hate but the only person I love. I shut my lap-top but left the tap open and just gave him a death glare "Colby can you let me explain" he said,
I rolled my eyes "what are you gonna explain you fucked Corinna it's not like a kiss Brennen if it was just that she could have done it she can't make you fuck her. You can't lie yourself out of this one" I say harshly It hurt but needed to be done "I know it was wrong but I- I don't know" he says trying to make it sound as meaningful as possible. "Brennen" I take a deep breath because what I'm about to say might  kill me "i-i think we s-s-s-shouldn't b-be together right now"I said that hurt so much "c-Colby" he stuttered it sounded like he was gonna cry, I hated seeing people sad but after what he did to me I really don't care "just go" I say not lookin at him "Colby i-" I cut him off "just leave Brennen" I say harshly "I understand" he said then walked out.

All of this happened so fast I can't even process it but all I did know is that I'm going back to Kansas, I grab my lap top from the floor and open it up the screen turned on and it was where I left, I took a deep breath and when I breathed out I clicked it. No turning back now this is real I'm going home for I don't know how long. I put my computer on the bed and began packing I put almost all my clothes in there my charger, headphones, shoes, things like that. After I'm done packing I put my suitcase against the wall. I leave tomorrow morning so I just lay on my bed. I have to at least tell sam I love him and that he's helped me through everything even though I'm not telling him why I'm saying these things yet.

I get up and walk down stairs to find everyone sitting in the tv room watching Corey and sam play some video game, I walk into the room "colbyyyyy heyyyy" everyone says cheerfully I smile a bit "sam can I talk to you for a minute" I asked him he looked a bit confused but paused the game and followed me to the kitchen "okay so um, this is gonna sound extremely weird and it won't make sense yet but once I tell u why I'm saying these things it will" I say looking at him he looks like he's trying to read me but it's not working "okay" he said still confused "I love you sam your my best friend and I'm so lucky to have you and thank you for putting up with all this bullshit and trying to help through it all it really means a lot" I finish "Colby what are you talking about" he says worried "I'll tell you later" I said standing up and hugging him he hugged me back I'll miss these guys but I just need sometime to myself "okay" he said I thinks that all he can really get out but I do feel kinda bad.

I go back to my room and look at the walls that are now covered in sticky notes which made me smile I'll miss here I really will.

I pick my phone up and look at the time 9:45 eh it's kinda late I'll just go to sleep I have to be up a 6 AM tomorrow. I laid down and as soon as I put my bed to the pillow I fell asleep. But my dreams weren't amazing

Holy shit guys that chapter was terrible sorry

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