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Colby's POV

I wake up it's dark, how long was a asleep I check the time 4:02 AM damn I open my phone to go through social media when I see 23 missed texted 20 missed calls they are all from brennen, so he did text me a lot

Colby what happened
I'm worried
Are you okay
Colby please
Was it me?
Colby tell me what happened
Why aren't you answering
Colby please

I read through them all and I feel tears prick my eyes why, why does he care, I put my phone down and cry. Why am I like this why why why what did I do to deserve this this is all my fault it's not brennens but sometimes I feel like everything would be so much easier if I would have never met brennen but no it wouldn't even though he puts me through so much it isn't his fault he doesn't know, I pick my phone back up I decided to text brennen I really didn't know what to say so I just said I was sorry I doubt he's awake, I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom I turned the light on, it hurt my eyes, I looked in the mirror my hair was a mess my eyes were bloodshot dark circles all around them I was pale, I look gross just ew I flip the light off and go down stairs and grab something to drink I turn the kitchen light on and turn the water on I let it run so it can get cold and lean against the counter and just think about everything I feel gross I mean I haven't showered in three days so I guess I am, I shake myself away from my thoughts and take a drink, I really didn't want to go back to my room my room is full of sadness right now so I just sit in the kitchen, but after about 20 minutes I hear someone come down stairs I really don't care I already know who ever it is they will ask questions, it's Corey I don't look up hoping he won't notice but of course he does "Colby?" He asked getting closer I look up at him his face turned sad "yep" I reply not really giving a crap "well first of all why are you awake and where have you been why are you always in your room have you been crying" he says so many questions in one "well I could ask you the same why are you awake and also the second thing you asked is extremely personal and you'd probably hate me if I told you so" I say fighting back tears hopefully he wouldn't notice "Colby I'd never hate you and I'm awake because..... ya know what that's not important" he says awkwardly, ew I know why never mind "yeah you say that now. I'm going back upstairs see ya later" I say walking upstairs and locking my door, I'm not gonna cry not this time I sit on my bed and pick my phone but to see brennen has texted me okay I'm not that surprised he's up he stays up really late a lot

B: Colby don't apologize I just want to know what wrong 

I read over his text so many times, I know he wants to know but I can't tell him

C: I wish I could tell you but I can't, I'll talk to you later, bye bye Bren

B: promise you'll talk to me later?

C: i promise now go to sleep

I sigh putting my phone back on the night stand and falling back asleep, of course my dreams were full of brennen

Hey guys it's Alex so it's been a while sorry about that, I've actually had this chapter down for a while I just never thought it was good enough but now that I have more people asking for more and saying they liked it it kinda gave me more confidence to post it

I love you //brolbyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin