🍁•two - getting to know you•🍁

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The smell of cigarettes and swears were too obvious, to add up with the amount of people making out ; this party was crazy. Edward held my hand before pulling me to Toby's backyard. "I'm not a fan of parties." he stated.

"Neither am I."

"Plus, I'm hungry and Toby's party won't have any decent food." Edward said, placing both of his hands in his pocket just as I notice how cold it was. I licked my lips, "So, what do you suggest?"

"Oy! Get back in here!" I heard someone's calling and the both of our heads turned to a drunk Toby at the door.

"You're drunk." Edward stated.

"No shit." I muttered.

"Come back -" Toby walked towards us as Edward and I walked towards him and helped him walk, not wanting him to trip. "You stink." I said.

"Why, thank you!" Toby said as we placed him down on the couch.

"Where the hell is Jade." Edward said as he looked around.

"Who the hell is Jade?" I asked.

"His girlfriend."

"He has a girlfriend?!"

"Well, technically, not his girlfriend - ugh, I'll explain." Edward said as I looked at Toby and scoffed.

Best friend? Right.

Edward went on a search for Jade. I sat beside Edward as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so happy." he slurred.

Just then, all the noise seemed to faded. I looked over to my friend right beside me.

"Really? Why so?" I asked.

"It's been awhile since I've partied-" he exclaimed. "Plus, I haven't drink for awhile." he continued as he looked at me. "You look so pretty-" he said, making me bit my bottom lip and lightly slap him. "Oy, stay sober - you have this Jade girl." I said as I searched for Edward.

"Yeah, you're right." Toby said as he closed his eyes and hummed.

"I saw Jonas earlier." Toby said, making me hum.

"He was with another girl. He's useless, Chloe. Useless. Stop crying over him, he isn't worth it." he said, making me chuckle. "You know it isn't that easy." I smiled, looking at him.

"I know." he sighed as he cupped my face. "Edward is a good guy." he blurted.

I chuckled, "You're really matchmaking me with him, right?"

"Absolutely yes."

"We'll see." I said as Edward came back with a girl beside him. The girl looked at Toby and smiled at me. "I'm Jade." she said.

"Chloe." I smiled and shook her hand before getting up as took my place.

"Bye, guys!" Toby waved, making me wave back.

Edward held my hand once again, man this guy is clingy. "Let's go to McDonalds." he said as he stopped at his car. "Wait, I have my own car-,"

"Nah, it's okay. We'll drive there and come back here." he exclaimed, making me agree.

I hopped on the passenger seat of his Range Rover. As he turned the radio on, he started to drive away. I looked out the window, loving the view - even though the view wasn't any special, I would never not appreciate the view in front of me.

"Can I roll the window?" I asked.

"Not a good idea. The night I did, you told me you were about to vomit."

"Oh my god." I said and hid my face in my palms.

"I can't think of more embarrassing things I did when I'm drunk."

"Well, to add up, you kissed me."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "You're joking, right?" I asked, making him laugh.

"I never thought you'd panicked." he said, making me think he's joking.

"You're so awful. It's not fun making jokes on drunk people."

"Alright, I'm sorry." he said as he went to McDonalds' drive thru.

"Drive thru?" I asked.

"I prefer eating somewhere else."

He drove and ordered for the both of us, "I'll pay you later." I said.

"There's no need."

As we took our food, he started to drive somewhere. I looked at him and blinked - I'm in a car of some guy I just met. To add up the fact ; he has saw me drunk, which is near my worst. Has sent me back home before which meant he knows where I live and is a year older than Toby and I. I've talked about Jonas to him - at least that's what I think. He has held my hand a few times and is bossy.

Edward looked back at me, "I bet you're enjoying the view." he snorted as he caught me staring.

Well, he wasn't wrong - I would never not appreciate the view in front of me.

He halted his car at a park. "This is the place you prefer eating at?" I asked.

It looked dull.

"Well, we have to walk to go there." he said and unbuckled his seat belt as I followed him out. "Aren't you scared?" he asked.

"Scared of?"

"This place! It's dull, and creepy. I might be a serial killer." he said, as there was dead silence.

A laugh left my lips, "Oh please." I said and walked ahead. "I think you can barely kill an ant!" I laughed as I felt his hand pulled mine harshly.

I looked at him as his face was just an inch from mine. "Is that so?" he asked, making me gulp. A smirk appeared on his lips, "I'm such a great actor." he complimented himself as he walked ahead, before looking at me. "You're so slow!" he said and held my hand, again.

"You really need to stop holding my hand." I stated, walking beside him.

"Can't. They're so soft." he said as he rubbed his thumb on my knuckle. "And that's a compliment, alright." he said as we reached the top of the hill. I sat down beside him and looked in front, seeing the city's view.

The street lights were shining as bright as the stars were and as the breeze hit my face, I couldn't help but to hum. "This is nice." I said and looked at him.

"I feel like I own this world, right now." I continued.

"I know, right?"

"Made all my problems wash away." we said in unison.

He looked at me, giving me my burger. "You know, I have no idea why you brought me up here, but thank you." I said and took my phone out, snapping a picture quickly.

"There's no reason, actually. I'd go here whenever I need to find peace." he said, taking a bit from his burger.

"That's nice." I said and sipped my coke. "I might just come here some time later." I said, looking at him.

"I don't suggest going alone." he said. "Yeah, I have to admit, it quite creepy down there."

We finished our meals in silence before looking back at each other. "When are you free again?" he asked.

"I'm free before 4 o'clock on weekdays, and usually on weekends. Unless if there's a big event or someone is sick and I need to cover up their shifts." I said.

"Great. You down for breakfast tomorrow?"

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