08/Life Saver

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Finn's POV

I woke up, and saw that nobody wasn't sleeping anymore. It was weekend, so we didn't have school.  In two days, we'll leave California and move to Paris, France. I couldn't be more excited!

- Good morning, sunshine! Jack said as i walked to living room. He was cooking something. His hair was pretty messy, and he had only shorts and t-shirt on. He looked cute, really cute.

- What are you cooking? I asked and sit down to couch. I watched as he was on the kitchen.

- Just bacon and eggs, he giggled and smiled to me.

- Where's Wyatt and Jaeden? I was curious. Probably they were just somewhere doing something stupid, as usual.

- I don't actually know. They left before i woke up, he said and brought me the breakfast. He sat next to me. We were both quiet.

- So, have you finished packing already? I asked, because i wanted to broke the silence.

- Yeah, actually i have! He answered and put one bacon to his mouth.
I nodded.

Weekends are the best, because i can spend it only with Jack, Jaeden and Wyatt. I couldn't still believe it that we're actually going to Paris. I've never been there before, so it would be fun!

Then my phone beeped. I've gotten a text message.

" Unknown: You should go to save your friend

Unknown: Before he jumps

Me: Jumps from where???!!

Me: Hello!?!

Me: Is anybody there!????"

I was confused. Who jumps, and from where?? I went to trance, and Jack noticed it.

- What it is? I heard Jack asking me.
I quietly showed him my phone, and the texts.

- Oh my god, he said worriedly.
I brought myself back to life very quick.

- What?? I asked from him.
For a second, he was quiet.

- They're on the bridge

That was enough. He ment Jaeden and Wyatt. One of them was jumping from the bridge, that was close to school. And how i know that this guy isn't playing?
I don't, but i think it's starting to get serious.

- Hurry! I yelled while Jack was putting a hoodie on. I was standing in front of the door, ready to go.

We were running to the bridge. I was running as fast as i could. Jack was a lot behind me.

- How long? I shouted to him. I was totally breathless.

- Never mind! I said when i started to see the bridge.

We were getting closer and closer to the bridge. I saw Wyatt and Jaeden. It was Jaeden, who was jumping to the lake that was under the bridge. The lake was huge.
Wyatt saw us, and he shook his hand to us, for a sign that we should hurry up before something bad would happen'.
We reached them. Jaeden was half out of the bridge.

- What the fuck is happening?? I asked. Jaeden was too scared to answer.

- He got a text from some guy who said that he should jump or he'll hurt you and Jack, Wyatt explained.

I knew it. That texter knew that he couldn't hurt Jack or me, so he decided to hurt Jaeden and Wyatt in some way. And that way was this.

- That guy has been texting me for a week saying that he'll hurt Jack, i said to them.

- Wait, what? Jack said and raised his eyebrows so i gave him a: "Lets talk about it later" - look.

I went to Jaeden, who was still in other side of the bridge. I touched his hand.

- Don't touch me, he said slowly. I was helpless.

- Jae, come on! Please. That guy whoever he is... He can't hurt you. I can protect you, and i promise that i will. That guy can't hurt me or Jack neither, and you know that, so please Jaeden. Lets get out of this place. I'm begging you to come with us, I said to him.

This was pointless, i thought.

But surprisingly, Jaeden took my hand, and brought himself back to the right side of the bridge. We all hugged him tightly.

- You're safe now. Nothing could hurt you, i whispered to him.

- You'll be OK...

A/N OmG this chapter is so messy, but i thought that this bridge-thing suited the most with this texter-thing. Remember, that i love yall!


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