my friends are insane please help

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today actually wasn't terrible. but my friends are literally insane. now for story time.

's lunch and of course I'm sitting with my friends. one of my friends throws a fucking (ugh I just fee dead, okay) yogurt across the table and it explodes. then he runs off while my other friend is throwing cheetos at us. I had chocolate and my friend stole it so I literally jumped over the table to get that back.

then after lunch my friend can't open her locker and she has one of my other friends try and open it. why that friend of all people. that friend couldn't get it open so she started screaming (which is truly a meme and it's hilarious) at the locker and ramming into it. yeah. that'll make it open. so i open it first try and now my friends consider me the god of lockers.

also, geese are a meme to us this year for some fucking (I'm tired okay, fuck off) reason. so one of my friends decides to play goose noises off her computer. in the middle of class. one of my other friends started repeatedly g noting me, like play the intro and the beginning, and start it over.

I just feel like death, I'm tired, I haven't slept normally in like 4 months. so yeah bye now.

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