Chapter 1: First Day

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(A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a Style fanfic and I hope you guys enjoy it! :) 

Also, I'm from the UK so the whole grade thing kind of confuses me but I will try my best to be as accurate as I can. I will appreciate any feedback on how to improve my writing/this fanfic and maybe ideas.

I'm not that happy with this chapter but enjoy! :D)

**Stan's P.O.V**

Today was Monday. 

Today was also the day we start 11th grade at South Park High. It was going to be a fresh start for all of us. The summer holidays were over and winter was soon to be coming. Not that summer was any different to winter here in South Park since it was always cold but you hardly even notice if you have lived here your whole life. 

I was excited to see all my friends again. They are the reason why school doesn't completely suck. By friends, I mean Cartman, Kenny and of course my super best friend Kyle. Even though we spent all of our summer holiday hanging out, it still feels good to see them again. Even if Cartman is still an asshole. We've all been friends since pre-school and we're all still as close as ever.

I was walking my usual route to the bus stop. Daydreaming until that ever so familiar obnoxious voice rang out, interrupting my chain of thoughts. "I'm not fat, I'm big boned you stupid jew!" Not again. I looked up to find Cartman and Kyle arguing over something. Probably something dumb again. They argued all the time, usually about the same thing. They have been like this with each other since the day they met. This time was certainly no different. In fact, it was very rare where there was a day where they didn't try to kill each other. These were the days where you would forget about their frenemy relationship and be genuinely close friends. Even if it didn't last very long. "Then DON'T belittle my people you fucking fatass!" Kyle had practically screamed in his face, eyebrows furrowing into a deep frown and his usually pale face flushing with rage. 

I joined them at the bus stop, standing next to Kenny with my hands in my pockets "Hey Stan!" Kenny had the hood on his parka down showing off his silky, golden locks. He had become much more attractive over the years. He was popular with the girls in school and even some of the guys despite him still being poor. "Hey Kenny, what are they arguing about this time?" I asked him looking over the at the two rolling my eyes. They hadn't even noticed I had come over since they were still in their own little world, cursing and yelling at each other, "Oh you know, the usual jew and fatass stuff." he explained sighing. "Hey dude!" I turned to see Kyle grinning, coming over to join me and Kenny, "Oh look Kahl! Your buttfucking boyfriend is here." Cartman sneered "SHUT UP FATASS!" Kyle yelled back at him, "DON'T CALL ME FAT BUTTFUCKER!" If I didn't know any better I could've sworn I saw a slight tint of pink appear on his cheeks. I heard small giggles next to me and turned to look at Kenny. He had his hands over his mouth with his cheeks puffed out stifling laughs. I rolled my eyes at him and began to think. Was Kyle blushing? My thoughts once again got interrupted when the bus pulled up to let us on. 

I sat next to Kyle in our usual spot right at the back and stared out the window watching the snow covered mountains pass by as the bus pulled away. Maybe it was nothing? Maybe I was seeing things? Maybe it was just because he was pissed off at Cartman. I know how his face changes from white to red when he's angry, it's kind of cute. Wait...what am I thinking he's my super best friend and I should not be thinking these things. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it. After all, Cartman is always saying stupid things to wind Kyle up which usually consisted of racism, teasing Kyle for being Jewish and gay jokes. These things seemed to rile Kyle up the most and he knew it. Maybe it's best just to not think about it anymore.

Maybe it's best just to forget about it.

**Kyle's P.O.V**

Stan and I found ourselves pushing our way through hordes of students to get to our lockers. By this point, we were used to it. On our first day starting at South Park High I was nervous. Going to a new place where you have never been before and not knowing what to expect was always a terrifying experience. As it so happens, it turned out not to be as bad as bad as I thought it would. Sure, there were a lot of people we had never seen before but there were also old classmates from elementary. We even made some new friends. I still spent most of my time with my best friends.....and Cartman and things began to feel a lot like how they did back in elementary. Of course, most of my time went was spent hanging out with Stan. We had classes together, spent lunch and recess together. We pretty much did everything together which Cartman and Kenny had noticed. We were and still are inseparable even to this day.

"Who do we have for class?" I was brought back down to earth by the sound of Stan slamming his locker shut. I pulled out my class schedule and read it "Mr. Garrison." I folded the paper back up and shoved it back into my jacket pocket. Stan groaned, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose "Dude, he doesn't even teach us anything. We never get to learn anything because he's always too bu-" I raised a brow wondering why Stan had stopped all of a sudden until I saw a pair of arms wrap around his waist and hug him tightly from behind "Hi Staaaaan!" a high pitched voice had rung out. A girl wearing a light pink beret on top of her long, sleek raven hair had appeared behind Stan giving him a quick peck on his cheek. Surprisingly, he no longer seemed to throw up whenever she showed him affection. Everyone always knew if Stan liked someone because of this. At first, I began to wonder why he no longer did this with Wendy. Maybe he took something for it so it wouldn't interfere with their relationship? Or maybe there was something more to it and he no longer felt how he had in the past. I brushed the thought out of my mind. It was more likely the first one anyway especially considering how much time they had been spending together recently. I growled at the thought. Luckily, they hadn't heard me.

"Do you want to go watch a movie with me after school Stan?" she had asked him in that sickly sweet tone that she used whenever she wanted him to do something or go with her somewhere, "Yeah sure." smiling at her before pulling her into a hug and kissing her softly on the lips. I suddenly felt a wave of emotions wash over me. I felt sad yet angry. I couldn't quite explain it but it felt like there was a fire burning in the deep pit of my stomach. What the hell was this feeling?

I turned away sighing and began to grab all my books that I would need for class, shoving them into my bag and slamming my locker shut. "Come on dude, we're going to be late and you know what Mr. Garrison is like." Stan pulled away from Wendy, turning his head to look at me "Alright dude. Wendy, are you coming too?" Wendy beamed at him "Of course Stan!" she exclaimed. 

We walked to our new classroom together, Wendy and Stan holding hands smiling at each other lovingly and me walking slightly at a slower pace behind them. I hung my head and shoved my hands into my pockets lost in thought, still trying to figure out what I was feeling. I can't remember ever being this confused about something before. My thoughts were broken off as we were reunited with Kenny and Cartman "Look Kinny! We found the fags and the hippie!" Cartman cried out, "Shut up Cartman." I said blankly without even looking up at him. I saw Stan peer over his shoulder for a split second looking concerned before turning away, completely ignoring Cartman's previous comment. I could feel Kenny's eyes burning down into me. He was a lot taller than I was and I swear if he kept this up he could literally set me on fire. In fact, it was almost like he was actually starting to burn a hole right through me. Shaking off the feeling of the blondes stare and my previous thoughts, I continued walking to class for our first lesson in 11th grade ignoring the usual jew jokes from Cartman.

Oh, boy was today going to suck.

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