RagLak - A real talk

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Hi thank u so much I know u all want more RagLak scenes I will try on this chapter so u will have RagLak scenes.

Recap; It was their first day n Ragini rocked the presentation they got the new client Chopra . Ragini got a company mobile phone like Kavya. She kept the schedule on her own device too for safety.

Ragini; DP Sir I'm sorry but I thought it would be helpful to arrange everything for the presentation I'm very sorry that I didn't informed u on time. Sans; Ragini u don't need to say sorry right Baare papa. DP; right. My dear u did a fabulous job today I may underestimate u. U flying high just be careful not to fall. Ragini smiked she took his words as a blessing n was very thankful for the compliment.

Lucky was lost in her beauty n innocent. Sans; Please don't eat her we still need her. 😁 He whispers to Lucky. Lucky😶 felt embarressed. Sans; yo man meet me at my cabin in 10 min. Lucky nod.

Kavya was angry n felt betrayed. - How could she do that all alone -. Ragini wait. They were back in their cabin's besides Ragini n Kavya. Ragini; yeah Kavya what happen? Kavya; Ragini y u didn't told me? Ragini; but Kavya I told u yesterday I will be at conference room to prepare it. Kavya; but u could have remembered me I would have helped u. Ragini; felt bad. Ya u r right... I'm sorry. Kavya; u better be.

Kavya left Ragini alone at the conference room with a guilty conscience. Kavya was at her desk but Lucky was missing. - Uff where is he now. It feels like I'm more a baby-sitter than a P.A. -.

Lucky was at Sans room. Sans; Lucky what is this? I know u like her. Lucky; Bhai I do like her but u know she seems to be unreachable. Sans; what? Do u think that? Lucky nod. Sans; but y? I mean we just know her n u r saying that she is unreachable. Lucky was embarrassed he was looking down on his feets. Sans; Lucky...? is there something u r hiding from me? Lucky nod. Sans; really? I have to ask u for more information 😡. Tell me! He said angry.

Lucky thought for a moment. - Should I really tell him that I know her from my college days? -  Sans impatiently grow. Lucky...?!.

Lucky; ok fine. It was back on my college time... we... Sans; we what?. Lucky; we were attending the same college but not the same class was senior n she was a junior Student. Sans; ok n the problem?. Lucky; u know me very well n my reputation in college but for ger I was just an ordinary Student I tried to ask for a date but she refused. Sans; ok wait. But it doesn't look like that she knows u. Lucky; yeah bcz in my dream she always said no y would I ask her in reality?.

Sans hit the palm on his head. So honestly u don't know? Lucky; oh know! Sans; what?. Lucky; after seeing her my dream came back n it was the same result. Lucky was standing there with folded arms on gus chest n a painful face. Sans; u r too much. He looked out n decided to make them talk. U may go now. Lucky; Sure 😡.

Lucky turned to the glass door of tge cabin n saw a disturbed Ragini. It gave him a hit - y is she looking so sad? -. He comes out of the cabin n Ragini looked up.

Lucky was lost in her big brown doe eyes. Ragini smiled seeing him she trues to hide her fear n confusion. Lucky was staring her thinking to talk to her but what?. He turned to see a disbelieve face os Sans who shows him "be a man n talk to her".

Lucky; took a deep breath. Hi is everything fine?. Ragini; yes Sir everything is fine. She was looking down telling him a lie. Lucky; I don't believe u. Ragini; wh... what y?. Lucky; I saw ur smile n happiness when we got the deal but now u look a little bit lost hmm shattered. Ragini looked at him with a big surprise. Well to his own surprised, She gave him a heart melting smile.

Ragini; Sir.... Lucky stopped her. No Sir I'm Lakshya, Laksh but friends call me Lucky. Ragini nod. Laksh...! Lucky stopped her again. I thought we r friends ☹. Ragini blushed 😶 n was confused. She looked up to the cute n innocent face of Lucky. Ragini nod. Lucky 😀. The problem I had was a bad thinking but after talking to u it vanished. Thank u 😊.

Lucky was staring her. Hmm n u r not lying to me?. Ragini; no u made me to ur friend I never lie to my friends. Lucky smiled - we r friends! 😄 -. Ok gud I'm going back to my cabin. If u need something or anyone to talk u know where to find me ur friend Lucky. Ragini nod n Lucky went away.

He was back at his cabin ignoring Kavya's words.

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Lucky was in his senior year n had fallen for Ragini. At the college they held an annual anniversary n Ragini participate on it. She was dancing on the stage Nashe di Chargayi

Lucky got intoxicated by her dance n beauty. It was the first he fall in love n  the last time.
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He never thought abt someone else n seeing here in his office just made him realised that he still loves her from the core of his heart.

Sans n Lucky r kind of connected. Sans - Bro I know u like her alot n don't worry soon we will know abt her feelings 😊 too -.

Lucky - I just hope with the start of our friendship some day our love story can follow by it -.

So next update will contain a leap of a month. They will go out for a business trip.

Thank u for reading. Please give me feedback n if u like the story please vote for it 😄.

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