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Note: Italicize words are flashbacks

Tired from school, I threw my self on my bed. It was summer again. I inhaled deeply reminiscing the past. The sweat falling on my cheeks made me remember that kid, the kid I met during summer vacation 10 years ago. I was just 9 years old back then.

"Mom!, where are you? Mom!" I yelled with all might while panting. I was about to cry when someone tapped my shoulders.

" Whats wrong kid? "
a girl about the same age as me asked as if like a grown man.

" Im lost I was separated from my mom"
I explained then she rubbed her imaginary beard like thinking of something. She then grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

" Lets find her together".
Like what she said we searched together. My worries slowly faded as she accompany me. I had fun while in the state of being lost. When we finally found my mom she just waved her hands and smiled again bidding farewell.

" Im Sana !" 
I yelled with all my heart and waved back. I hoped she will tell me her name but she didn't respond and just continued walking which made me smile a bitter smile.

" Sana.... "
my friend tapped my shoulders.

" Your spacing out again"
she added. I sighed.

" you're not going home? "
she asked while packing her things.

" ehh? Momo is class done already?"
I asked for confirmation.

" yes, you dimwit, you where spacing out in class again "
she playfully spank me.

" eeehhhhhh???"

Momo  and I walked together and soon part ways giving each other a big wave since our way home are different. I walked under the shade of my umbrella.

Umbrella? ...

It was my 10th birthday and I spent it happily in the theme park with my parents. I brought along my favorite pink umbrella that day. I was busy enjoying stuffs that I accedentally left it somewhere which made me cry so hard. I was a stubborn child back then refusing my dad's offer to buy me a new one. My tears did not stop, leaving my parents clueless on what to do with me until someone came.

" Hey, kid. stop crying"
a girl handed me my lost umbrella, its her again that bubbly monolid eyes kid I met few months ago. I slowly stopped sobbing and smiled at her. My parents was so pleased at her.

" its you again!..."
I screamed in joy. She smiled at me with her pale complexion.

" Dahyun, there you are"
A well suited man approached us who seemed to be her father.

" Dad, I was just returning this to her" The man smiled at her daughters kindness.

" How did you know its our Sana 's umbrella?"
My mom asked still with a smile painted on her face.

" I saw her earlier leaving this on the bench" she explained.

" and you looked for her to give it back?" my dad added.
She just replied with a nod.

My parents decided to invite them for dinner at our house since its my birthday afterall. I was so happy to be able to know her name and to spend few times with her. Her dad was so nice and cheerful as well.
I cannot forget her joyful smiles despite of being so pale.Even though I was just a little kid I could remember it clearly. I learned that she's korean and was just leaving few blocks away from us which made me really happy. Her dad was a single parent so she's always by herself when he goes to work. My mom told her to come by and play with me if she's alone and lonely and she did came by. We became friends and later on close friends.

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