Sherlock cleared his throat, and reluctantly, Sebastian turned his gaze from me. I glanced at Sherlock who was eying Sebastian, his dislike no longer hidden.

"Sorry, maybe we can talk later?" Sebastian asked, his beady eyes back on me.

"Not likely," I enunciated.

Sherlock and John looked at me, both sensing my rising anger and dislike for Sebastian Wilkes.

Sherlock cleared his throat, once again, and starting impatiently tapping his fingers against the metal of his chair.

"Yes, well let's get on with it," Sebastian said with embarrassment.

"Your doing well, you've been abroad a lot," Sherlock suddenly said, eying Sebastian's watch and obvious tan lines.

I looked over the man seeing everything Sherlock was deducing. I caught Sherlock's eye and gave him a smug grin.

He could easily tell I was deducing exactly what he had.

"Well, some," Sebastian said.

"Flying all around the world twice in a month," Sherlock stated.

I could see Johns confusion and placed my hand on his knee. Poor guy, how dull it must be for him, I thought.

Sebastian started laughing loudly, pointing at Sherlock. "You're doing that thing," he said looking at John and me.

"We were at Uni together. This guy had a trick he used to do."

I looked at Sherlock, he was beginning to look small and defeated.

"It's not a trick," we both said in unison. I put forth a little more venom in my words though.

I know I hadn't known Sherlock for long, but no one deserved to feel like an outcast because they were different. Sherlock gave me a look of confusion.

Sebastian glanced at John and continued.

"He could look at you and know your whole life story."

John nodded his head. "Yes, I've seen him do it."

Sebastian smiled and looked at Sherlock. "Put the wind-up everybody, we all hated him."

I crossed my arms in frustration trying not to look at Sebastian.

"You'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night."

Sherlock quietly answered him, clearly still upset. "I simply observed."

I clamped my mouth shut, trying not to say anything but I just couldn't sit here and let him treat Sherlock this way.

"You know freak is a hurtful word. Maybe you should try being less of an ass," I said staring straight ahead.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything. We were on a case - Sherlock's case, and I was jeopardizing it by being unprofessional.

All three men were staring at me in shock. If looks could kill, I'd defiantly be dead. Sherlock's gaze was alit with anger.

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