ten ≫ getting the band back.

Start from the beginning

I sighed and glanced up to Michael.

"I'm sorry, Michael." I mumbled.

"No, it's okay, Jas. It's not your fault.. It's not anyone's. By the way, are you okay?"

Was I okay? I was being poked and prodded every single day of school by random kids who want to know more about the 'mental kid'. On the weekends, my parents made me study all day just so that they're reassured that I'll be set for school. Am I okay? I wouldn't say so.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, Michael. Thanks." I replied.

"Well, are you sure? Because I think we're getting the same questions."

"What do you mean?"

"I get them too, if you didn't know. The dicks. The bitches. They all come up and ask me if Luke's dead or if he's attempting again, the kids at this school are sick creeps." He spat.

I didn't know anyone else got these but me. If Michael and I are getting pestered, does that mean Calum and Ashton are too?

"What about Calum and Ashton?" I asked.

"They get it too." He sighed.

I shook my head in disappointment.

"You know what I think will make Luke significantly happy?" I suggested.


"I think we should bring him back to Ashton's house and you guys can practice for your band. Every time I visit him he's always writing and singing and playing. You know that face that people make when they're talking about something they love? That's what he looks like when he's talking about 5 Seconds of Summer."

Michael smiled and nodded his head.

Getting Luke to play and sing would be happy, but getting him out of the hospital will be the hard part.

"That's actually a good idea, Jas. I'll talk to his mom about it." He said.

We came up to the corner where I have to turn a different way than Michael.

"Well, I'll text you later. Are you going to see Luke today?" Michael asked.

"Nah, tomorrow. Only Fridays, remember?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, alright then. See ya!" He exclaimed, walking away.


I parked in the same place I always do in the familiar parking lot. I grabbed my phone, my jacket, and lastly, a signed paper from Luke's mom saying that he can leave for tonight. Michael gave me the slip after school today and told me to meet him at Ashton's house. The exciting part was that Luke had absolutely no idea this was happening.

I walked into the building and greeted everyone who said 'hi' to me first. I received a sticker from the lady at the counter, and I waited to be chauffeured to Luke's room. I never really paid much attention to the other people in the waiting room before, but now that I take a good look around, they're all sad as well.

"Jasmin?" A nurse called.

I stood up and walked towards the doors leading to the hallways. I checked the door numbers until door number 173 appeared.

"Alright, you know the rules, leave by nine, blah blah." The nurse chuckled.

I've been here so many times, the people here knew me as a regular.

"Actually," I pulled out the slip of paper, "erm, I have this signed paper from Luke's mom, can he come out with me to his friend's house?"

The nurse plucked the slip out of my hand and read it herself.

"Yeah, I think it'll be fine. Will a parent be there?" She asked.

"Yeah, Ashton's mom will." I replied.

She nodded and stuffed the slip in her front pocket.

"Alright, y'all have fun!" She smiled.

I smiled back and opened the door. Luke was hunched over in his usual spot, the plain white table in the corner, probably jotting down a couple lyrics. He hadn't noticed me come in, so I walked over to his bed and laid down as loud as I could. I was looking up at the ceiling, but I heard him turn around in his chair.

"Hey, babe!" He beamed.

He sounded like he was in a good mood. I love when he's in a good mood.

I heard his footsteps near the foot of the bed, and I propped myself up on my elbows to look at him. He leaned down and started to crawl slowly over me, until his face was just inches from mine.

"Hi." He smirked.

"Hi." I giggled.

He carefully jut his jaw forward until his lips met mine. His lips were so supple, but firm at the same time; he started to hum into the kiss making me quietly moan in return. He traveled from my mouth to my neck and my heart started to race. He smirked while he was kissing me, and I almost forgot about the whole band practice thing.

"Luke.." I whispered.

He nodded into my neck making his hair rub against my jaw.

"I got- I got a slip from your mom.. Your friends are waiting.." I managed to get out.

He was still nibbling and sucking at my skin, making it hard for me to want to leave. The rest of the boys were waiting, though, so I had to.

Luke placed one last kiss on my forehead and then got up off of the bed.

"Why are they waiting?" He asked.

I got up off of the bed and picked up my phone and jacket.

"They want to have another band practice, and it wouldn't be the same without you."

He raised his eyebrows in delight and walked over to the door.

"After you, babe!" He exclaimed, holding open the door.


i make them kiss so much youRE welcome

hope ya enjoyed buddies

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