Chapter 10

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Strapz’s POV



I walked down the street feeling like a free man. Although I felt bad for Shauney still being trapped in that life, I was let go so easily. It made me doubt it though, especially after everything I heard about those who left his life. But being able to walk around the road, without fearing that I may have to attack someone was a blessing to say in the least. It was like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. I know that people will still come after me for just for once being in that gang and because of Shauney. But he was family, so I was down for the fight. My phone rang and I shook my head just because of the name that was on the screen

“Yes mum”


“Yeah, I’m just walking around a bit, needed some fresh air”


“Yes, I really do mean fresh air. I’m not on my way to see a girl”


“And no, no girl is on the way to see me”


“Yes mum, you have threatened me several times about it.”


“I think it’s time this conversation ended mum”


“Mum mann, you know you love me too much to do that to me” Then she laughed, like proper laughing then hung up on me. Imagine the woman was describing so clearly what she would do if I ever got a girl pregnant. No, I use protection because I know some sick girls out there. I only recently got out of my old life, and I’m in no position to be a father. Just thinking about being a father made me think about my dad. My dad… it’s not been so long since he died. Yeah you probably thought he walked out on me and my mum but him never. No, he didn’t die for ‘backing ends’ and no he didn’t die trying to defend me in my old life. My dad died of cancer. He lived a really healthy lifestyle, so it was a shock when he came home one day and said he had brain cancer. He fought for his life, but he died anyway. This is a topic that I never talk about to others. If it ever mentioned I instantly shut up and zone out, refusing to talk about it. It’s my business, not anyone else so no one needs to know.

“Strapz” The voice snapped my out of my voice as I looked for who was calling me. I saw Cobra snaked around Chanice’s waist. He didn’t know I knew her and vice versa, but she knew and by the screw on my face she quickly whispered something in his ear and walked off

“You alright? I haven’t seen you guys in time”

“Yeah, just sorting out a couple stuff”

“I get you. I’m having a shubz in a couple days, do you guys want to come?”

“I don’t know. I’ll tell you if we can” He nodded

“Well need to get back to my fuck” He smirked as he walked away.  To be honest, I didn’t care about the fact she was a sket. The thing that bothered me was her relationship with Shauney. Like if it wasn’t the fact, that she was with Shauney, then I would have bang her as well. She looked back as me as she walked off with Cobra and I thought I was bad at beating. Guess I found someone who is worse than me, watch me tell my mum, although she would not believe me till she sees it for herself. Stubborn woman. But I need to sort myself out. I don’t even know why I beat so many girls. Maybe it because their just there. I want some quick pleasure and their want my dick, so it’s a mutualistic relationship. But it’s risky. I just got out of working with Gucci thanks to God and I’m not planning on looking after a child. I can’t even look after myself. I would feel so bad to bring a child into the world that I can barely look after.

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