Chapter eight

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Astrid sits quietly in the plushy-yet, oh , uncomfortable- chairs staring at the clock.

"Honey, we gotta get somewhere today."

It isn't her usual therapist.

This time it's a woman- Melanie or something like that.

Too peppy for her taste.

And she just kept going with the stupid pet names- God, did she hate pet names.


And so slowly, Astrid's green eyes find Melanie's, cold and callous as she sends her a striking glare- one that Melanie hadn't expected from a girl with such delicate features.

It's defiant and almost condescending.

She can see the therapist trying to hold back her rage and part of Astrid is enjoying every single second of pissing off this all too peppy woman.

Now, she knows she's probably what most would consider a bitch for this-

But you can't judge someone unless you spoken back and forth with them.

Which no one has for years.

She just watches the woman tick occasionally, trying to shove down her annoyance and anger, before leaning back in her chair, moving her gaze from the clock that displays five minutes left of the session, wondering what else she could do to hurry the time on up.

She spins settles for just a plain old case of defiance, refusing to look The obviously-fake blonde in the eyes.

Oh what an experience this was.

"Your mother wants me to take you home- again."

It takes a single sentence- scratch that, a single glance at Jason to know he's had a rough night- or past couple of days in general.

But Astrid wasn't exactly miss peppy-pants either.

She rolls her eyes at him, and he can practically feel the anger and sass emitting off of her in waves.

"Alright," He mutters, running his fingers over his face, "You're not happy, I'm not happy, let's not make this miserable- just please get in the car."

She stares at him and she glances away frustrated, "Or don't get in the car and walk five miles. I don't care frankly."

He wouldn't- and so she tests him.

She doesn't get in the car and he rolls his eyes, licking his lips.

"If you don't get in the car- I'm driving away."

She shrugs carelessly, rolling her eyes.

"Alright, I can't do this."

He opens the door and gets in the car, turning on the engine and starting to drive.

And then he stops the car, popping open the door from the inside, "Car. Now. I'm not going to be the reason your little brother has another panic attack."

With a heavy eye-roll she gets in the car.


She doesn't touch the buckle and he pulls the keys out of the ignition, "Buckle."

He doesn't dare tell her it's because he's exhausted and he's worried that something could go wrong.

"Dear God, buckle your seat belt."

Crestfallen » Jason Blossom. #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now