Bonding With Kou

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"You're kidding me right?!! you can't do this!"

"We already did!"


I frowned at Ayato's comment and I then shouted.

"This isn't funny Ayato! let us out!"

"Not a chance!"

Remi shouted but then Kou spoke up.

"Well, the ugly witch can't get out but I can!"

Kou was about to teleported but the blue sparks appeared and he landed on the ground. I held back my laughs and then Remi spoke up.

"I had a feeling you were going to try and teleport Kou so I placed a little sealing spell on the door so you can't get away until you two forgive each other you're staying in there."

"Remi! you can't be serious?!"

"I'm dead serious see ya!"

"Remi! don't go!!"

Too late I heard hers and Ayato's footsteps disappear. I sighed annoyingly and I looked at Kou and he glared back at me. We turned our heads away from one another angrily.

We sat on the floor with our backs against each other because we didn't want to talk to each other. I had my earphones on so that I was listening to my music and I was looking at some of the pictures of me and Mother together. I then came across a picture of me and Kou together that I had forgotten all about before we became rivals.

'I remember this picture, it was taken at one of Otu-san's parties and they were having a karaoke night, I invited Kou along and then we both sang the night away.'

I smiled as I remembered that memory and I felt Kou's stare on my back and he then spoke up.

"You kept that picture?"

I switched off my phone and I said to him.

"I thought you said you weren't going to talk to me."

"Yeah, well, I tend to change my mind."

Kou said with a smirk and I then looked away from him. Kou then looked away from me and he then looked up at the ceiling and he then said to me.

"You know, there's a reason why I was being mean to you all this time."

I looked at Kou confused and he then said to me.

"Look, it's true that you've got a good singing voice and you perform well and all but, the only reason why we became rivials is because I got jealous of you."

I was surprised to hear Kou say that and I said to him.

"You were...jealous? is that why you kept calling me those names and insulting me this entire time?"


"But why?"

Kou continued to look up at the ceiling like if he was living a fond memory.

"It's because you have everything, you've got the perfect family, people who love and care for you meanwhile, I'm an orphan and I grew up in a manhole and I knew nothing of my parents nor my family, I had nothing, that's why I got jealous of you."

'This is the first time I've heard Kou confess something like that, I guess that explains why he didn't wanna be friends with me anymore.'

I thought to myself as I scooted over so that I was sitting next to him inside of resting my back against his.

"You're the only one who got jealous either."

"You mean you were jealous as well?"

I nodded my head and I said to him.

"I'm not lying, look, you're right that I have everything that I ever wanted, but, that's where you were wrong, I know I'm a spoilt brat living in a mansion but, to tell you the truth, there was also something that I ever wanted but I won't ever get since Okaa-san died and that was having a big brother."

Kou looked at me shocked and I then said to him.

"When I met you and when you told me that you have brothers, I got jealous as well because I'm the only child and all I ever wanted was to have a big brother or a sister."

Kou's right eye was glowing and he then smiled at me.

"You're telling the truth!!"

Kou hugs me tightly when I said this and I then sweat dropped a little but I smiled and I let him rub his cheek on mine.

"Hehe, so what do you say? start fresh and be friends again, Kou?"

Kou looked at me and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course, Keneko-chan."

"You haven't called me that since I was starting out as an Idol."

Kou smiled at me and he then releases me and he said to me.

"So how are we gonna get outta here?"

I looked at the door and I knew Remi had placed a seal on the door on the outside so I released the seal by casting the seal spell reverse. A light blue light appeared and then the seal came off. I leaned over to Kou's ear and I whispered to him.

"Now you can teleport."

"Why we whispering?"

" I have a feeling that Remi and Ayato are eavesdropping on us."

Kou smirked and then he wraps his arms around me before teleporting. Once we got outside of the supply room, I was right, Remi and Ayato were eavesdropping as they had their ears on the door. Kou and I smirked at them and then Remi spoke up.

"Weird, it's gotten awfully quiet in there, I wonder what's going on?"

"Who knows, Ore-sama wants this to be over already and get Melons out of there and away from the loser."

Kou and I continued to smirk at them and we poked their shoulders. Remi and Ayato turned around and they were shocked when they saw our dark auras.

"Looking for us you two?"

" did you get out of there?"

Remi asked me in a nervous tone and then Kou spoke up.

"Does it even matter? I think it's time you and I taught these two their place, what do you say, Keneko-chan?"

"Sounds good to me."

Ayato and Remi tried to make a run for it but we grabbed the back so of their collars.

Kou: "Now that we caught you..."

Kano: "You won't be able to get away.."

Kou and Kano: *Evil Chuckle*

 Remi and Ayato then screamed in pain as Kou and beat the crap out of them. Once we were done, Ayato and Remi stood there with large bumps on their heads and they glared at us.

"You two are a pair of evil Idols."

Ayato grumbled and Kou then said to him.

"Ha! maybe that will teach you not to mess with us."

"Kou's right, now if you'll excuse us."

We turned on our heels and walked away from the two idiots with smirks on our faces.

I was glad that Kou and I made up, sure we were enemies for a while but, in the end, we became friends again and it felt like old times when we hung out together.


Diabolik Lovers: A Vampire Hunter RebornWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu