🍁•prologue - sunsets & clouds•🍁

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Biting my bottom lip, I shook my head. "That's not going to happen."

A sigh escaped his lips, "Oh, come on. He really wants to meet you."

It was a Friday - Toby hosted a party since he's been telling me that it's been years since he threw one. Three years to be exact. So, he threw one and I'm one of the first who came.

No, this isn't one of those professional parties where you'll get lost in between kissing someone in the dance floor, thinking that's your boyfriend type of party. Why one of the first? It isn't even near dawn yet and I'm not really into parties.

I'm one of those people who'll hang upstairs, staying away from the ruckus and will end up chatting with some drunk stranger. I'm Chloe Richards after all, but it's been years since I went for parties like this - okay, last week, to be exact.

Well, here's the actual thing ; I'm drunk, the person people would always talk to.

There's nothing wrong sharing secrets to strangers, right? It's not that they'll remember you anyways.

Everyone there is basically high or drunk. With that kind of taste, people will forget easily, so I'll just be another drunk person to them. Well, except for this one guy. He's Toby's friend, I suppose.

He claimed to had listened to one of my 'secrets'. He remembered because he wasn't drunk. He also remembered because he knows me - he's seen me hanging round the mall a few times. I guess and the thing now is ; he just saw me and he wants to talk to me.

"I really  don't want to. How do you even know if he's lying?"

"He said you to told him about Jonas, now tell me if he's lying? There's no harm if you talk to him, right? He's my friend. Plus, it's about time you meet someone new."

"I don't want to meet someone new." I frowned. It's not that cute type of frown - it's the frown you make when you're holding back your tears.

"Chloe, please. It's been seven months now. Edward just wants to have a small conversation with you."

"His name is Edward?" I asked.

"Yeah, Edward Collins. C'mon, just a small talk. If he's boring, you can walk away. I won't hold you back, promise."

A smile appeared on Toby's lips as a sigh now escaped my lips. I bit my bottom lips before giving up. "Alright then."

He clasped his hands together, grinning. "Alright, he's upstairs in my study room - at the corridor." Toby said as I walked upstairs.

I couldn't help but to feel nervous. Heck, this guy had seen me drunk! To add up the fact that I have no idea what I told him just scares me. I talk about tons of crap when I'm drunk.

I went to Toby's study room and the door was closed, so I decided to knock before opening it. When I did, there was a guy on the corridor outside. I gulped and made an attempt to walk away.

"Please don't leave." I heard, making me look back in, seeing this Edward guy looking at me. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I know he was looking at me.

"Come in," he said, "and close the door." he continued and like a fool, I did as told.

I walked towards the corridor, seeing him holding a red cup and wow, he's gorgeous. He's like a model type of gorgeous. I would say Toby was hot, but this guy .., he's art.

"You're Chloe, right?"

"That's me." I said, giving him a small smile.

"I'm Edward. We met before - but you were drunk, I don't think you remembered me."

"I don't."

"Thought so." he sighed, "Well, I just wanted to know if you're alright. I mean, you didn't seem alright the other day."

"I'm fine." I'm lying. I made my lips thin.

He handed over his red cup to me. Confused. I looked at him. "You're lying. Maybe you'll tell me the truth when you're drunk."

I scoffed. "I'm alright. Why are you so worried anyways?" I asked, looking at him.

He looked at me and smiled. "Just because." he said, placing both of his hands in his pocket. He looked forward, closing his eyes, then opening them back.

He pointed forward, "I love sunsets." he whispered. "Don't get me wrong, I had always liked them. Sunsets got more popular nowadays on tumblr and people would see me as common." he said, sighing.

"I get you. I love looking at clouds - especially when they're dark blue, as in it'll rain." I said, smiling to myself.

"Well." he said. "I guess you didn't have to be drunk to tell the truth after all."


Ayye. Im back with another story. 💎

Hope you like it and please vote. It really motivates me to continue this story ❤


Stay tuned peeps. 🌸

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