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Nash told me to meet him at 5 and Cameron told me to meet him at 5:30. I know i can only make one so this was the time no more ignoring them it was time to choose. So Nash wanted me to meet him at the amusement park and Cameron wanted me to go to the California Zoo. so it was 4 o'clock and i got ready what i did was straighten my hair put a tiny bump on top put a kiss shirt on with ripped jean shorts. I was texting Marybeth all this time trying to figure out who to go with and she said something i thought no no one would dare say. She said "neither!!" i was so shocked and a part if M.B. came out. This is what she said to me

You cheated on Nash and you used Cameron and they both forgave you and for the fact you had to hesitate a second is the fact you don't deserve either one of them. All the things you did and are still complaining about them I'm starting to believe everything that Nash said so shut the fuck up and look at it from there side and i sure as hell wouldn't have forgave you. Until you wanna stop moping about the shit you caused and want a reason to make yourself a victim don't ever text me.

I was so mad at her i looked at the text over and over but then i realized she was right. The big picture was who i hurt the most but still forgave me. so i told her that but she was still mad she says its not just that its also the feelings to the person. After that i was even more confused. who would i pick?? Then i wondered why i cheated on Nash with Cameron there had to be a reason, is it because i have more feelings or just caught in the moment. but i found myself at the place i thought i'de never be at. It was the................mall i decided that i'de choose neither cause my friendship was more important and if i was going to let love find its way back to me.

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