Take off

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We finally took off and the jet was awesome it had a spot for two cars and a storage for luggage and boxes. I sat next to Marybeth and my brother was with my mom. i put out the couch/bed and got a blanket and 2 pillow's Marybeth and i fell asleep and by then we had been on the jet for 5 hours and i was starving so i got chips and Marybeth was still asleep so i put my beats on and listened to music. It was 3 hours and finally Marybeth woke up and we played a bored game for 2 hours Marybeth or i like to call her M.B decided to play with Jonah so i watched a movie with my mom and she was holding me and one movie went to 4 and i fell asleep so then i woke up and we were landing!! YES!!! we landed 3 hours early

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