11. Take Off

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It was 4:32 am. Our flight boarded at 5. I couldn't contain my excitement. Justin, on the other hand, was passed out on my shoulder. I didn't mind, I had on a fuzzy jacket. It was a bear. I was in love with it, but I was getting hot. Under it, I had on a graffic TWD I had got from Ohiyocon one year. I also had on a pair of under-armor sweats I had stole from Justin. He didn't notice.

This would be my first time ever traveling by plane so this made me extra happy. Our flight was 12 hours long, so I decided I would sleep on the plane. There weren't many people waiting to board our flight, which I was also happy about. Justin got us first class tickets, even though I begged him not to, but he insisted it gave him "air points." Whatever that was. I gripped onto my carry-on bag tightly, leaning into it as I patiently wait, then I hear my stomach rumble. I look at Justin, still leaning on my shoulder, then I pat his head. He doesn't budge at first, so I do it again. This time he almost falls out his seat.

"Shit" he says. "What time is it?" My

"4:40... I was waking you, because I was gonna go get some food... You want some?" I ask. He looks at his phone.

"Nah.. I'll get something on the plane." I nod and stand. "Don't get snatched up." He says in a monotone voice. I giggle a bit, before placing my jacket over him, and walk off to the direction of the stores.

I spot a subway and lick my lips, and as I walk towards it, some bumps into me hella hard causing me to almost fall over.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. " A deep voice exclaims. I turn and choke on air. He was gorgeous.

He had broad shoulders and covered with a black shirt

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He had broad shoulders and covered with a black shirt. I look up at his blue eyes. Even though the airport light was dim, they still shined.

"Miss? " I clear my throat.

"No, it's okay. I should have been looking out. " I say before looking down at my feet. He chuckles.

"I shouldn't have been running. I thought I was late for my flight... I almost took you out.. " He says before removing his hands from my shoulders. I shuffle one foot to the other.

"Oh really, where you headed? " I ask before realizing I sound creepy. "I-I mean, you don't have to tell me. I just wa-" I stutter before he Intturupts, laughing again. I was confused on what was funny though.

"No, it's fine. I'm going to Bora Bora, for a photoshoot." This shocks me.

"That's cool, me too.. " I say. "Well I'm going to get food. " I say and start to walk off.

"You mind if I come? " He hollers after me. I smile before turning and shrugging. Then he jogs to me.

We enter the subway together. And it's not many people in here.

After we order, it was kind of awkward silence.

"So you mentioned a photoshoot? " I say. Curious.

"Oh yeah, I'm a model. I was supposed to take off yesterday... Glad I didn't. " He says looking down at me. I smile a bit but quickly wiped it off as I remember Justin. I pull out my phone and the time read 4: 52.

"Shit" I say and I explain to him the plane is gonna board soon. Throwing out my trash I walk out, and almost walk into something, but The guy pulled me. I never asked his name.

"You gotta stop running into people. "

I just laugh and look up, and I look to see Justin. He glared at me.

"Who is this? " Justin says adjusting his attention to the guy.

"Uhm I'm Zac... Do you know him? " He asks me.

"Uh- yea this is my friend Justin. " Justin raises a brow.

"Oh awesome," Zac says he then tells me he'll see me around and grabs his luggage walking off.

"What the hell? " Just says making me jump.

"Why are you yelling? " I ask him. But I knew why, and part of me felt guilty, even though we just talked. That's what I said.
"We just were talking. "

Justin chuckled hurmorlessly.
"The flights boarding. " He says before walking away. My heart dropped a bit, but I grabbed my bag, and walked after him. He was walking a little too fast so i had to run to keep up.
When we boarded our flight, I was in awh, on how big it was. I was hoping we didn't see Zac and my prayers were answered as we made it saftley to our seat. I watch as he puts out bags up then sits quietly in his seat.

"I'm excited." I say, looking out the window, of the wet runway.
I didn't hear a word from Justin. I turn to see him scrolling through his phone.
I roll my eyes and punch his shoulder.

"What the hell?" He asks lookin up at me.

"You seriously can't be mad at me, right now." He sighs.

"I just felt some type of way. He's a good looking guy and you were gone for a good minute."

"Jeez Justin, he ran into me and just started talking. Plus, I'm here, wih you. What the hell was I Gonna do? Run off with him?" I say quietly. He had sex with people everyday, and I was understanding, but he got jealous, after I talked to one person.

Passengers, if you avert your attention to the screens infront of you-
I tuned out the speaker and looked ahead. It was a little tv on the seat infront of ours. It had a port for headphones, and even a charger. There was no one in the seat infront or behind us.

"I'm sorry I acted like a dick." He says quietly. I roll my eyes again, but smiled this time.

"It's okay."

Passengers, if you would please put on your seat belts as we prepare for take-off

"Shit, I wasn't looking." I say as i pick up the belts and try to button then.

Justin stands infront of me and squats as much as he can, to buckle my seat belt. He then looks up at me for a split second, and starts to lean in.

"Sir could you please take a seat. We are about to take off." I scowl at the flight atendant and Justin sits down.

As I hear the engines kick start my heart starts beating faster and I grab Justin's hand unintentionally. He strokes it, and brings it up to his mouth kissing it. This relaxes me a little. As we start to move, i breath a little faster. Then the plane lifts off the ground and as we get into the air, I see the sun rising. I look out the window as we fly through clouds

We are now in the air, you may take off your seatbelts

I unbuckle mine, and lift the armrest up, cuddling into Justin's side. I feel his arm hold me and pull me closer, kissing my head, and i let my eyes drift. I didn't realize how tired I was.

Sorry this chapter was a bit slow, just a filler. Lmk what you guys think on the additional character.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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