A frown fell upon her face, as the first time in a long time, the pages actually felt like they were going to finish soon, maybe in a month. The pages just felt so light in her hands, a maximum of probably 20 pages left in the book.

But the girl sat on her bed, stomach facing the bed as her legs dangled off the edge, writing whatever was on her mind. Wearing nothing but a matching pink satin set, consisting of shorts and a buttoned up shirt and the single source of light from her lamp to guide her. Her hair was tied up in a bun but her face still composed of makeup from her everyday trip to the school.

The girl found herself writing about 'The Reggie Mantle', but didn't mention his name in the book. She wrote about the way he made her mad, the way his decisions effected her, and most importantly, not knowing why this was happening. The way he spoke to her two days ago made it seem that the way Reggie is will always be permanent, forever.

The abrupt sound of a hard object hitting against the thick layer of glass made the green orbs of Roselle flicker up to the source of the sound. At first, she just thought the sound was the tree hitting innocently against her window, but the noise continued making her heart beat erratically.

'What if it was the black hood? What if he's waiting outside to kill me?' Roselle's thoughts kept building up in her head. Her feet moved against the cold carpet of her floor, slowly making her way to the window. Swallowing deeply, her hands that were shaking uncontrollably made their way to the curtain, moving them ever so slowly to peek outside.

She leaned her body against the window, knee on her window seat as her breath fogged up the window glass. "You've got to be kidding me." Roselle groaned, opening her window harshly with a glare at the boy who was throwing pebbles at her window. "What the hell do you want Reggie! This isn't some High School Musical shit! You can't just throw pebbles at my window, I mean, that could break my bloody window!"

"And here I thought I was being Troy Bolton." Reggie smirked, climbing the tree near the window of Roselle's room, careful not to fall. When he reached the window, where Roselle was standing with her arms crossed and eyebrows pulled into an angry expression, he let out a wink. "Hey Gabriella."

"Please, if anything I'm Sharpay Evans." Roselle scoffed, sitting down in the bench of her room. "What are you even doing here, Mantle?"

"Get dressed, we're leaving." Reggie he told the girl, eyes analysing her bedroom attire. "Not that I mind what you're wearing right now."

"What makes you think I'll leave with you?" Roselle rolled her eyes, looking at his black car parked behind her's in the drive way with two other cars around it. It seemed the both had taste for old school cars, yet her's was red and his was a classic, midnight black.

"Me and the boys are going to Archie's house because I need to apologise for being a douche." He told the girl, who was still not satisfied with his answer. "I also have pizza in the car."

"Fine! I'm going! But only because of the free food." Roselle got up from her spot, looking at the boy with a small smile. He smiled back at her, a little glint of humour in his eyes. "Now shut the window and let me get dressed."

"What if I want to see you naked?" Reggie playfully grinned, making Roselle storm to slam shut the window and draw the curtains back closed. A grin however played against her lips for some reason she couldn't understand.

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