After Awhile Crocodile

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When I came to I found myself laying onto of the lab table. Again. A cold compress laid onto of my temple while the rest of me was covered with a blanket. 'Donnie's doing no doubt'

"Guys she's up" I heard Donnie say by the door. 

Sitting up made my head hurt and my arm start to throb. 

"What the-"

Oh. Apparently I busted my arm as it was now encased in a white cast. How did I not notice that?

"Easy Rowena, you've been out for awhile"

"Leatherhead, is he-?"

"He's fine" Leo piped in. "He's outside beating himself up for throwing you at the pillar like that. Poor guy didn't sleep a wink"

"Sleep..what? How long was I out?"

"You were unconscious for nearly half a day"

"Jesus"  I swung my legs around the table to the side and pushed myself off and onto the floor. "Woah!" My footing was a little unsteady. Guess my legs fell asleep at one point.

"Careful, Don gave ya some painkillers for your head and arm" Raph caught me before I totally fell in on myself.

"Thanks. So Doc, what's the verdict?"

"Your left arm has a small breakage and you've got a mild concussion. Nothing serious but you're going to have to take it easy for a while"

"Roger that. Before all of that I want to see Leatherhead" Leo and Raph helped me back up and kept a close eye on me as I made my way to the large croc. His back was slumped over and his tail sat by his side like a limp noodle. 'Poor guy looks so sad'

"Hey LH"

He perked up at the sound of my voice before turning around to find me standing next to him.

"Miss Jones! I-I'm glad to see that you are up and about"

"Hahah it takes a bit more than this to take me down"

We sat in silence for a bit. A kind I was best friends with. That everyone was acquainted with. The brain can turn quite cruel when left to think in silence for too long. It can turn your whole day in on itself and kill any feeling you had left. How long has he been wallowing in it? Looking over at him I could see it much more clearly in his face now. His inner struggle. While I didn't know all of the details I could tell that the battle he was having inside of himself was a very brutal one; and I had just made it worse. I wasn't sure what to say and I didn't know him all that well unlike the guys. I wanted to take away as much of his pain as I could though. I wasn't sure what was going to come out of my mouth then. Perhaps that sounds stupid but it hurt to see him like this.

"You know, I'm going to sound like a total cheese ball here, but I'm really glad we met"

"You're...glad? Miss Jones I could have killed you"

"But you didn't. Surely that shows for something LH"

He didn't respond. This wasn't helping, his brain was still too focused on his inner turmoil to listen.  He needed something, someone to help him get at least a foot out of that self dug pit. So I did the most surprising thing ever. I hugged his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek.

His head turned towards me in surprise with a look of shock and confusion.

"I may not look it but in a way I'm in your shoes too. Shell I still beat myself up sometimes, even after all these years. I messed up once and I heh I fell hard. I nearly dug my own grave. I'm still trying to work through it. You live and you learn as dad loved to tell me. Don't go burying yourself over this big guy. Shit happens. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. And if you're feeling like this again, let's get together again"

He looked over and smiled. I think I had helped him bury a bit of his self dug pit.

"I think I would like that Miss Jones"

"Please call me Rowena, LH"

"As you wish, Rowena"

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