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                        ~Dad, no..~

This is my time to help.
I look at Draco and he looks at me. He nods, signaling that it was okay for me to go. I nodded back and I ran over to Harry. As I made it over to Harry's side, they both send out a spell that connects. Harry's side is green and Voldemort's is red. Voldemort's side starts to take over until I cast out my spell. My spell is black.. How fitting. Mine connects to Voldemort's and sits beside Harry's. I move over to stand beside Harry and I wrap our loose hands together. Our fingers intertwine and so do our spells. The green and black wrap around each other and push even harder against the red. Wind from the spell is as hard as a tornado. My dress is flapping in the wind and my hair is majestically flowing into curls. I looked like a goddess while Harry just looked messy. Harry and I's combined spells finally reach Voldemort's Elder Wand and flings it out of his hand. He falls to his knees as pieces of his body and face start to flake off like burnt pieces of paper. Did someone destroy the last Horcrux? I release Harry's hand and step forward towards Voldemort. I smiled and raised my wand. "I told you. For my fallen mother, father, friends and beloved school staff that I would kill you, my dear uncle." A tear dripped down my cheek in memory of everyone that has died in this war. "Enjoy hell, you devilish prick. AVADA KEDAVRA!" I screamed as a black spell shot out of my wand and hit Voldemort. The flakes of paper flew everywhere and black smoke exploded around me. I stood my ground and waited for the smoke to clear. Once it did, the pieces of grey and black paper started to fall around me like ashy snow. I smiled sadly as I looked up at the sky. The grey clouds started to clear and the sun started to shine down on my face. I closed my eyes as more tears fell down my face. "In honor of my father, mother, friends and beloved school staff.. I hope I made you guys proud." I whispered. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Harry looking up at the new sunny sky with me. He looked down at me and smiled, then looked back at the sky. I did as well, the moment was perfect.
"Y/N!" I heard behind me. I knew that voice all too well. I turned around and saw Draco running towards me. I smiled widely and started to laugh. He finally reached me and enveloped me in a hug. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed loudly and squealed as he set my down. I looked into his eyes before kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely as he wrapped his around my waist tightly. "You guys couldn't wait to snog later?" I heard Harry laugh. I parted lips with Draco and looked over at Harry. "Oh bugger off. If Ginny was standing here you'd be doing the same thing." I retorted. Harry blushed as Draco laughed. "Damn Potter, aren't you a softy." Draco said sarcastically. I turned back to look at Draco. "You can shut up too. You were such a coward when you confronted Harry." It was Harry's time to laugh as Draco blushed. I pecked him on the lips as I unraveled my arms around him. I walked over to Harry and bear hugged him.
"I missed you.." I mumbled into his chest. Harry smiled as he kissed my forehead. "I missed you too.. I'm so sorry for what I did.. I never meant to do that." He apologized. "It's fine Harry. It's all over. All that matters is that we worked together to defeat Voldemort." I smiled as I released him. He nodded in agreement. We all turned to look at the beautiful mountain view that was before us. I wrapped one hand around Harry's and another around Draco's. They both smiled at me as I laid my head against Draco's shoulder. We all stared and smiled at the sunshiny sky. "It's all over.." I sighed happily.

"Y/N, HARRY!" I heard someone yell behind me. Before I could fully turn around, I got tackled to the ground by a certain curly brown haired girl. She had a death grip on me as I chuckled. "HERMIONE, YOU'RE KILLING ME!" I shouted jokingly. "I DON'T CARE, YOU'RE ALIVE RIGHT NOW! YOU KILLED VOLDEMORT!" She yelled, but it was muffled by her face being pressed into my shoulder. "Ahem, I helped too!" Harry exclaimed with fake hurt in his voice. "Oh yeah, sorry Harry!" Hermione leaps off of me and hugs Harry. He chuckles at her as he hugs her back. "HEY! How come he gets to stay standing but I get thrown to the ground?" I yelled. "And also, I used the killing curse on him, so technically I finished him off." I smirked as Harry stuck his tongue out at me. "You did wonderfully, my pretty lady." Draco smiles as he helps me up. "I know." I said sassily. He chuckles as he kisses my cheek. "Even though I don't like Malfoy-- I mean.. Draco, you guys make a cute couple." Ron says as he wraps an arm around Hermione's waist. "You guys do too." I smiled softly at them. "But if you dare hurt our Y/N, I'll personally kill you." Hermione warns. Draco looks at me and smiles. "I would never even dream of hurting her, she means way too much to me." He kisses my lips. I smile into the kiss as people around us awe.
The group talks for a few minutes. Ginny joined as well, immediately attacking Harry in a kiss.
"I'm her brother! I could've been killed and she wouldn't care as long as Harry was alive.." Ron scoffed. Ginny heard him and released Harry. She ran up and jumped on Ron, wrapping her legs around his torso. "I MISSED YOU RON!" She yelled sarcastically. "I MISSED YOU TOO, GINNY!" Ron yelled back. We all laughed and had a great time. We deserved these times after all we'd been through.

I walked into the castle, hand in hand with Draco. Everyone turned to look at us, but to our surprise, everyone smiled and surrounded me. "Y/N KILLED VOLDEMORT!" Seamus cheered. Everyone started to clap and cheer. I blushed and smiled as everyone patted me on the back. The crowd dispersed after a minute or two and went back to normal. I was talking with Luna and Neville, thanking him for killing the last Horcrux, when I heard someone. "Y/N.." I heard a lady's voice behind me. I turned around to see Minerva. She smiled and opened her arms up, asking for a hug. I ran into her arms and hugged her. She gave me a warm and motherly hug as she stroked my hair. "I'm so sorry about your father and your mother, Y/N." She comforted me softly. "But I know they'd be proud of you. Dumbledore would be proud of you. I'm proud of you." She whispered the last part as she kissed my cheek. She released me and smirked. "So you and the Malfoy boy, huh?" She nudges me with her elbow. I laugh and look over to where she's looking at. She was looking over at where Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Millicent and Astoria were talking. They looked like they were catching up. I honestly didn't like that Astoria was there, but whatever..
Pansy saw that I was staring at Draco so she nudged him in the ribs. When he looked at her in confusion, she pointed over at me. He looked over and we made eye contact. He smiled once he saw me and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and place it on my heart. He silently said, "I love you." My smile grew wider and I nodded. "I love you, too." I mimed back. Draco smirked and turned back to his friends. I turned back to Minerva who was smiling. "You guys are adorable." Minerva sighed. "I know. I don't know how I got so lucky." I blushed. "I can tell he thinks the same thing." She smiles. I nod and smile back. "Hey Minerva?" I address her. "Yes Y/N?" She looks at me and I look at her. "You're gonna' be the new headmistress, right?" "Yes. What about it?" She asks, confusion written all over her face. "I was just thinking.. You have a new opening for a teacher in Defense Against the Dark Arts, right?" I ask with mischief hinting in my words. She looks confused until she finally gets it. Her face lights up and she grins widely. "Yes, of course I do! You can start when we get this place back in order." She says giddily. I giggle at her as we hug quickly. "I have to go check on more students. I'll talk to you soon." She smiles as she walks away quickly. An idea pops into my head as I walk out of the room. I walk down the hallways, making my way down into the dungeons. I turn corners until I finally make it to my destination.
Dad's classroom.
I take a deep breath as I open the creaky old door. I walk in, not bothering to close the door. The room looks untouched, perfect like always. I walk over to dad's desk, sitting down in his desk chair. I look over his desk and see moving pictures of us. I pick my favorite one up and smile sadly at it. It was of me and him hugging. We looked into the camera which made it look like we were looking at me. We smiled and he kissed my forehead. It's my favorite one because.. I could see him look down at me lovingly and say, "I love you, darling." A tear drop landed on the picture. I quickly wiped it away and set the picture back down. I leaned back in the comfortable desk chair and folded my hands. I sighed deeply as I closed my eyes and smiled softly.
"It's all over."

Dad, NO! (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now