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                       ~DAD, NO!~

My eyes flutter open, immediately squinting as I groan, the blinding light from outside killing my eyes. I reach over to grab my wand gently as I suddenly remember I have a peacefully sleeping Draco on me. With a flick of my wand, the curtains close quietly. I set my wand down, moving back into my original position that I fell asleep in. I look over at the clock that's sitting on my bedside table.
I groan quietly at the thought of having classes, but I guess I groaned a little too loud because Draco shifts a little as he softly mumbles, "Morning, Y/N." His arm that was around my waist tightens before releasing suddenly. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"What time is it?" He grumbles sleepily. I look back at the clock before shifting to where I was laying completely down and comfortably, my head on the pillow and covers up to my chin. "6:33, we have about 30 minutes." I mumble as I close my eyes. I feel the bed shift until no weight is on the other side. I open my eyes and furrow my eyebrows. I look up to see Draco standing there awkwardly. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened last night. It meant nothing, really. I was just scared, you know?" He whispers the last part, scratching the back of his neck. I felt a tiny pang in my chest, I have no clue why. My face changes into one that shows no emotion, closing my eyes so no feeling is to be let loose.
"Y-Yeah, I understand. Any time you feel scared, you're welcome here. Just know that." I flip around to where my back is facing him. I hear the quiet steps that he takes, getting farther and farther from me. "Yeah, thanks." He mumbles before leaving, closing the door harshly behind him.
I have no idea what these random feelings are, but I don't like them. They need to just...
Go away..
I look in the mirror, my uniform fitting perfectly on me, my hair up in a neat ponytail. I sigh as I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I ask politely. "It's Draco, we need to get going. It's almost 7:00. We need to hurry up and head to breakfast. Everyone is waiting on us downstairs." Draco calls impatiently from the other side of the door. "Okay! Let me grab my wand and bag!" I yell as I rush over to my bedside table, grabbing my wand and shoving it into my cloak pocket. I speed walk towards the door, grabbing my bag out of my chair in the process. I open the door, seeing Draco leaning against the wall. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and I turn towards the door.
I walk towards the door, opening it and turning to look at Draco as I hold the door open for us. He gently grabs the door, nodding his head for me to go. I nod back at him as I turn around and walk out. I walk down the stairs, hearing the commotion of people as I get closer. I enter the Common Room, looking over to see what the loud noises were coming from.
It was from our group of friends, of course.
"Will you guys ever shut up?" I sarcastically smirk as they look up at me with shock on their faces. "We wouldn't have to get so loud if you two would hurry up." Pansy snaps. Yes, yes I know. I called her Pansy. But that's what she wants to go by so I'll be nice enough to grant her that one wish. "For your information, Y/N took forever getting ready, like all girls do. I had to bang on her door for her to finally come out." I hear a snarky voice come from behind me. I whip around to see none other than Draco leaning against the wall with a devilish grin on his face. "That is NOT true. I got up earlier than you, if you'd like me to explain that to them." I snap at him with equal sarcasm. His face turns from one of confidence to one of fear. He gulps, not audibly, but I can see his Adam's apple bob up and down. I smile devilishly as I whip back around, walking away from them.
I walk up to the painting entrance. I turn my head to look at them. "Well? Are you idiots just gonna' sit there and take your precious time or what?!" I bark at them with a frown.
I snap my fingers as I turn my head back around. The painting automatically opens, so I step out into the open hall. I leave the painting open for the others, but I keep going down to the Grand Hall. As I walk past, people stare at me, so I hold my head up high with my face-of-no-emotion on. I reach the Grand Hall, the doors still open. I walk in, immediately looking at my father who seems to be having a serious discussion with Professor Mcgonagall. I shrug my shoulders as I walk towards the Slytherin table.
I just realized it's still early because there isn't a lot of people around yet. I smile at this as I pull a book out of my bag.
It's called Fantastic Beasts: & Where To Find Them.
Dad had got it for me as a gift on my 11th birthday. I just reached a chapter about the Quetzalcoatl, which is a Native American mythical creature, when a shadow was formed on my page. I groaned quietly as I licked my finger, folding the page corner ever so slightly. I close the book, looking up at the figure who was disturbing my reading. When I look up, I find that the figure is my father, staring down at me with his famous unimpressed look. My face turns into one of a smile as I say, "How may I help you, Professor Snape?" He raises his eyebrows as a sign of amusement. "Why are you reading a book when you should be socializing, Ms. Snape?" He drawls with the same tone I had. "Because my friends were taking their precious time dillydallying and fooling around in the Common Room while I was planning to be on time for once." I mimic his low drawl as I mold my hands together like a table as I rest my chin on them, looking up at him with the same unimpressed look he gives everyone. Being his daughter has its advantages as well as the disadvantages. He places his hands on the table, leaning down to become head level with me. "Well maybe you should make some new friends then, hmm?" He leans back a little after he says that, raising his left eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Well, Mr. Potter did try to be friendly with me yesterday. Maybe I should go sit with him at the Gryffindor table." I lean back in, whispering the last part. As I finish my sentence, I lean back with a smirk on my face as I see his face turn into one of anger. "Oh look, here come my friends now. I guess Potter can wait till another day." I sigh at the end as I smile, looking down and opening up my book again. I look back up at my dad with the same smile on my face. His face is still angry as he turns around and struts off, his cape billowing and whipping around. I roll my eyes as I look back down at my book, turning back to my chapter. I read a few words before hearing my name being called.
"Y/N." I slowly bring my head up, looking at Draco who is now sitting beside me. "What?" I quietly ask. "Breakfast has been served, are you not gonna' eat?" He questions me as he takes a bite of his toast. "No, I'm not really hungry. Actually, I think I'm just gonna' go ahead and go to our first class." I say as I bring my legs over the bench. "We have about ten more minutes, don't you think that's a little early?" His face shifts into one of pure confusion. "Then I'll just go on a little walk. Save me a seat beside you, alright?" I ask politely as I stand up. "Of course, I wouldn't want anyone else sitting beside me or you." He smiles as he takes another bite of his toast. "Great. Then I'll see you guys in Potions?" I look at Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco. They all nod their heads and smile. I smile back as I pick up my book and walk towards the doors. I open one, stepping out and turning around to close it. Everyone is staring at me, confused, even my dad. I look at him with a blank face. I look down as I close the door. I turn around with a frown on my face. I close my eyes and sigh, releasing all of my tension into the air. I begin walking, turning a corner and--
I fall down with a loud thump, my book held tightly in my arms. I groan from the impact of the collision. My eyes finally flutter open as I hear, "OH MY GOD, I'm so sorry Y/N! Please forgive me." My vision went blurry as my eyes opened, but now they focus on none other than Harry Potter himself looking down at me with a worried look on his face. I bolt up, only to groan again because of a sudden headache forming. I lay back on the ground with my left hand on my head. "Are you okay?" I hear him ask in a concerned voice. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm brilliant." I snap sarcastically. I bolt up again as I realize people could be watching us. I ignore the headache booming in my head as a look frantically around to see if anyone was looking.
"Don't worry Y/N, no one is here to see us talk." He chuckles. I look up at him hesitantly. "You know we can't be friends, Harry. Things have already been set for us. People already think we are enemies, so that's what it has to--" "No. No it doesn't. We are our own person. I know you have a name to uphold, but that doesn't mean we can't be friendly from time to time. And it's only the second day of school. Anything can happen." He cuts me off with a kind smile growing on his face. I look at him in the eyes. His eyes are filled hope and curiosity. "Fine. But I'm only going to be your friend when we are alone, got it?" I snap the last part at him. "Of course. I'd want nothing more from you, Snape." Harry smirks at me playfully as he extends his hand for me to take. I grin widely as I take it. He pulls me up, just a little too forcefully, because I get pulled into him with my hands on his chest and his around my waist to balance me.
I look up at him and he looks down at me. We both blush and bolt apart as we hear the Grand Hall doors open, kids flooding out to go to their classes.
"Stay out of my way, Potter." I falsely snap at him loudly, smirking at him. He smirks back, knowing full and well what I'm doing. "Then watch where the bloody hell you're going, Snape." Harry snaps back the same way I did with a smirk still plastered on his face.
"Y/N, let's get going to class. Don't waste your breath on him." I turn around to see Draco and the gang all looking at Harry with disgust. I turn back to Harry, who is now staring at them with the same look. "Snape hanging around a bunch of foul snakes. How ironic." Ron retorts out of nowhere, standing beside Harry with Hermione on the other side. Draco was just about to say something before I cut him off by saying, "Draco, follow your own words. Don't waste your breath on him." I quote him as I walk towards him, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hall with me to Potions. Before I disappear too far down the hall, I look over my shoulder to see Hermione and Ron going off on Harry for even talking to me. He looks up, catching me looking at him. I smile and wink, and he copies me. I turn my head back straight, shaking my head in disbelief. As Draco and I disappear completely down the hall heading towards Potions, with him on one side of me going off and complaining about Potter, and on the other is Pansy who is going off about "Mudblood Granger," I think to myself,
'I just made friends with Harry freaking Potter.
What is wrong with me?'

Dad, NO! (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now