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~DAD, NO!~

"It looks like we are, aren't we?" I taunt as I give him a cheeky smile. He laughs and shakes his head at my foolishness. "Well, I'm off to bed, then." I politely smile at him before walking towards a room that has a golden plate on it. Engraved on it says, "SNAPE" so I turn the handle, stepping in.
I stare in awe at my room.


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"Perfect." I mumble contently to myself. I walk over to the bed, and sure enough, my uniform was there, also set with it were a few color theme accessories.

'I'm definitely making a few changes to this when I grow older

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'I'm definitely making a few changes to this when I grow older.' I thought as I picked up the robe.
I set the cloth down, looking over at the black marble table next to the bed. Sitting on top of it was my wand and a note. 'MY WAND! I completely forgot about it!' I shrieked in my thoughts. Before picking up my wand, I picked up the note, mumbling the words to myself.
I was wondering if you'd ever notice that you left your wand sitting on the dinner table at home. But alas, you didn't. Be glad your dear father decided to be nice and pick it up for you. I hope it gave you a good scare when you saw it.
Your amazing dad."
I smile at the note. Well dad, it did give me a good scare. I am most definitely thankful for my father right now. Setting down the note, I look over at my wand, picking it up and admiring it.


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Mr. Olivander said that it was a very powerful wand. Something someone my age wouldn't even begin to think of having it. Only they could wish.
It was so special that it wasn't even with the others, but tucked safely in a locked vault by itself. He told me that there was no other alike it.
It was made with a dragon heartstrings core, which came from a dragon that was one of the most legendary, rare, and powerful types. It was the last of it's kind in many many years. They only made one wand out of it's heart because after they had taken one of the few heartstrings out, the heart went up in flames and turned to ash in only mere seconds.
This wand was so powerful and rare that people bet it could win against The Elder Wand itself. The wand was named after the dragon from which it came from, so the wand's name is The Satan's Heart Wand. The dragon's name was Satan's Pet because of how dangerous it was and how it's fire didn't just burn you, but make you crumple into ashes.
Now, we all have to remember that my dad started training me at a younger age. More specifically, 7.
So when news spread around that a 7 year old got The Satan's Heart Wand, it spread like wild fire. I was top headlines, all over The Daily Prophet and more. It also didn't help that I was the one and only Severus Snape's daughter. So while some people admired me and treated me like a hero, some people treated me like Lord Voldemort himself, like I was some sort of dark prophecy that was being fulfilled by Death Eaters.
That's when my childhood was over. That's when my innocence was drowned.
That's when my dad taught me the unforgivable curses and every jinx, hex, or spell imaginable.
That's when I was seen by The Ministry in a court room every week for some new random thing I had been randomly prosecuted for by some random person.
That's when I was labeled "dangerous" and "a killer" and "dark."
That's when I finally realized that the world isn't some nice place where everyone was loving and accepting. That's when I finally saw how cruel people were, how hurtful and heart breaking their rumors were.
That's when I became stone cold.

*drip, drip, drip.*

I snap out of my thoughts, looking down at the black marble table to see tear drop splatters, some still falling. I look over at my hand which is now clutching my wand with a death grip, my hand turning white from gripping it so hard. I instantly release it, seeing the flesh color flooding into my hand, turning it slightly pinkish-red.
"Hey." I hear a groggy voice behind me. I wipe my eyes, swiftly spinning around to see Draco in shorts and shirtless. His hair was no longer gel filled, but wavy and messy. "H-Hey. What are you doing?" I croaked out, my throat dry. I cleared my throat slightly as I waited for his reply. "I just woke up. I had a nightmare, so I was wondering if you were up." He softly said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Of course, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, come over and sit down." I tripped over my words as I turned back around, sitting my wand down on the marble table.
I went over to my bed, taking the clothes and accessories in my arms as I swiftly discarded them in a chair off to the side. I turned to look at him, seeing him sitting on the edge of my bed facing away from me.
"I'm gonna' go change, I still haven't done that. I'll be right back." I giggled as I turned to my trunk, waving my hands in front of it. The latches twisted and unbolted, popping open the top. I grabbed a few things to keep me warm in the freezing dungeons, turning around and heading for the bathrooms. I quickly changed, sighing happily when I felt more comfortable. I looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my simple outfit.

I slip on the fluffy boots, instantly feeling warm and soft

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I slip on the fluffy boots, instantly feeling warm and soft. I discard my clothes in a clothes bin, turning the door nob and walking out.
Draco turns to look at me and once he sees me, he does a double take, turning all the way around to look at me fully. I sit on the edge of the bed, bending over slightly as I put my h/c hair up in a messy bun. I take off the boots and the cardigan, instantly feeling cold, so I rush under the covers.
Draco chuckles tiredly at me as he slowly and unsurely climbs under the covers too. Before he gets all the way in, he looks at me with an are you sure? look. I nod my head at him, so he swiftly gets under the covers. I sit up, leaning my pillow against the headboard. Draco looks at me weirdly, so I pat my lap and say, "Lay your head down. You look awfully tired. I hope that nightmare wasn't too bad." He gently lays his head down on my lap, leaning onto my stomach, facing sideways. His body is curled up in the fetal position. "It was pretty scary, but I feel better now." He whispers as his eyes flutter shut.
I put my hands on his head, running my hands through his hair soothingly. He smiles softly and hums in appreciation, keeping his eyes closed. I reach one of my hands down and rub his back in random, small patterns. He smiles again before it slowly disappears, his breathing turning into soft, soothed breaths. I smile at him as I lean my head back, closing my eyes and thinking, 'Goodnight, Draco..."

Before I slowly drift off into sweet oblivion.

Dad, NO! (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now