Chibi!America and Chibi!Canada in clementineme's honor~

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    It was a dark stormy night in England's big house and little Alfred and Mathew where sitting in one of the big fancy rooms with a big comfy couch and other nice chairs. Due to the fact it was raining out side and France and England were no where to be seen, naturally Mathew and Alfred were making a mess of things. There were pillows on the floor and they had made a fort out of the couch and somehow managed to make a slide from the extra cushions.

     "WHOOOOOOOO!!!" Alfred shouted as he and a giggling Mathew went down their slide. "Lets do that again!"

     "Are you sure Uncle Arthur wont mind?" Matt asked nervously as he held little Kumajiro.

     "Are you kidding I do this all the time!" Alfred said 'forgetting' to mention how he would always get in trouble for it afterwards.

     "Ok then!" Mathew said smiling as they rebuilt their now completely destroyed slide. As they rebuilt their slide it started to rain harder. Then they had finished their slide. "Are you ready to go down again?!" Mathew asked excitedly.

     "Are you kidding of course I am!!!" Alfred said as they got ready to go down. Then out of no where a huge bolt of lightning struck!


   Both of the brothers jumped being surprised. Then poor Mathew, scared to death, ran into the fort. Alfred unsure of where his twin went called out "Mathew?!" then he heard a small whimper inside of the tent. When he looked he found a shaking little Mathew hiding in the corner almost squeezing his pet bear to death. "What's wrong?" Alfred asked worried.

    "The big sound..." The poor Canadian said so quietly that you wouldn't have heard it unless you where listening for it.

     "Oh you mean the thunder and lightning?" Alfred asked. Matt nodded. "Pffffft. That's not scary." Alfred said right as a bolt of lightning struck down much closer than the last.


    The two brothers yelped and hugged. Then realizing they were hugging they quickly separated.

    "Bleck!" Alfred yelled out in discus. Refocusing on the situation he looked back at Mathew. "See not that scary." He said his voice still a little shaky.

    "Thunder and lightning, eh?" Mathew said in a bit of a louder voice. "That's what those things are called?"

     "Yeah England told me about it." Alfred said sitting next to Matt. "The light part is called thunder and the big boom part is called lightning." Alfred explained.

     "Wouldn't it make more sense if the light part was called lightning?" Matt asked confused.

     "No England said that the thunder is the light part." Alfred said not sure how true that was himself but refusing to sound unsure.

      "Are you-"


     "AHHH!!" they both yelled hugging each other once more, but not letting go.

      "Alfred?" Mathew asked in a quiet voice.


       "Will you stay here with me till the lightning and thunder go away?"

       "Sure I'll be your hero."


authors note:

     I am sorry if this one sucks I know but I was tired and stuff so like yeah I may go back and improve upon it but for now  it is like this. Now time for an Epilogue!


      France and England were out side the room where Al and Matt were in eavesdropping.

      "Sure I'll be your hero." said Al's muffled voice.

      "My god their so cute!" England whispered to France.

      "Indeed they are." France said smiling as they both looked through the cracked door.

      "Do you think we should go in?" He asked.

      "No," Said France. "we should let them bond. They should be closer than the rest of us are."

      "I second that." Arthur said just a little too loudly.

      "What was that?" Little Mathew said.

      "D*mn I think they heard us." England said.

      "I think that was England!" Alfred said.

      "You think?!" France argued as they heard little footsteps walking over.

      "Quick in here!" England Motioned to the closest door. They quickly went through it. They started to feel the heavy rain on their heads.

     "Great you idiot now my hair is ruined!" France complained.

     "Well it was your idea to let them 'bond'!" England threw back at him.

     "Where do you think they are?" Alfred asked.

     "Who knows?" Mathew said.


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