Chapter 5

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The site consisted of a lot of official details. Information about how reliable their system is. Live feed of Cat's house was on the second page I checked. There are nine cameras throughout the property. Less would have sufficed but Cat was always very cautious about this type of thing. Always had this paranoia that someone was going to break in or that the house was going to be robbed. In the end, she was right. 

The camera in the hallway facing the door revealed the front door wide open. 

Camera two displayed the rest of the hallway. Someone passed across into the bathroom. The feed wasn't all that clear but the uniform clearly showed this guy was a cop. Not surprising. Probably gathering evidence or searching for any clues I may have given as to my current location. 

Camera three was in Cat's wardrobe. An odd place for a security camera, even I agree to that. It's where she kept her safe. Just a small one. It could be purchased at any hardware store I'd imagine. In it she kept her jewelry collection. The jewelry she inherited from our great grandmother. It wasn't often she wore any of the jewelry. She always claimed it wasn't her style but I think we all knew she didn't feel worthy of wearing it. I do know that every night she opened the safe and just admired the beauty of it all. We didn't know our great grandmother very well. She died when we were quite young. Her death lost in my memory. I'd be lucky to even picture what she looked like in the flesh. It was the stories that Cat admired. 

Great Gram was apparently a big deal in the town where our family grew up years ago. She was a nurse. She was involved in the black civil rights movement before it had even started. She was just a small girl during the first World War. Born in fact on the day Hitler sent his troops to invade Poland. During the second World War, she was sent as a nurse to the front lines after three years of assisting soldiers who had returned and helping to promote men to sign up. 

During the 60's she was a strong feminist. I remember stories about her marching down the street shirtless with several other women to get the message across that women are more than just housewives and sex objects. I'm not sure how successful that march was. That story was one of my favorites. I found it hilarious. She was a hero to everyone. Even received a medal for her efforts. Something else Cat kept in her safe. 

Camera four was in the living room. It clearly showed the entire room including the kitchen. 

Camera five was just around the corner which showed the dining table and another angle of the living room. 

Camera six was Toby's room positioned just above the doorway. His was the only room with a camera. Cat felt the need to be extra protective of him, as you can imagine. I will never have a mother's instinct, but I've seen it in action. I won't try to understand it but I'm sure I've experienced a small fraction while looking after Toby. And he isn't even mine. He often asked me what the camera was for. Said he thought it was creepy how it watched him. It made me laugh. After all what could a five-year-old possibly have to hide? 

Camera seven gave a clear view of the back door. Though this one was on the outside of the house and showed some of the backyard. Anyone approaching the back door would be seen, without a doubt. 

Camera eight was of the shed. My shed. A collection like mine required security measures. For an old garden shed it was as good as I was going to get. That and a big ass lock. Which obviously proved pretty useless. 

FugitiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora