Miss Mermaid and Pikadude

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"I do wanna say. Misty over there should totes get hairstyling tips from Miss Mermaid. Like, have you even heard of keratin treatment?" Lily added as she looked at Misty. "I'd let you borrow mine, but it's like super expensive and concentrated. I don't want you to waste it."

"Whatever." Misty replied.

It was just like that for Misty. She couldn't tell her sisters about her secret identity. It's not like she wanted them to know anyway.

It's not like she didn't get along with her sisters. They were just too different from her. They were more into dresses and high heels while she preferred t-shirts and sneakers. They couldn't find common ground other than their family ties.

In spite of that, she knows that she can depend on them when she needs to.

And then, there's her life in school.

She did quite well, but she wasn't the smartest in class.

She enjoys the company of her classmates. A lot of them were nice and accepting of her. Well...except for one person.


Misty has no idea why Melody enjoys making her life a living hell, but she just shrugs it off now.

Back track to the beginning of the school year. There were two new students.

There was Sakura. Being the new girl, it was hard for her to make friends. However, Misty became her first friend. Eventually, they became best friends. Sakura also became more confident, and with her help, Misty got more confident as well. Especially when she had to deal with Melody.

And then there was Ash, the transfer student from Pallet Town. He's actually a childhood friend of Melody's. However, Ash was much nicer than Melody. During Ash's first day, Misty thought Ash was someone who wanted to make fun of her and would help Melody with her pranks against her. However, everything changed when she noticed Ash's kindheartedness.

Now, if Misty were to describe Ash, he would be the kind, innocent and cute guy.

Of course, Ash didn't really know about Misty's feelings about him. Sure, they eventually became close friends, but Misty didn't want to slip up. She just joked around him and would retort at his dumb moments.

Oh...that boy had no idea.

Ash does enjoy Misty's company. He appreciates the moments they get to spend together. He likes her personality.

But if someone asked him if he had feelings for Misty, he'd say they're "just friends."

Back in the beginning of the year, that statement would have believable. However, some people have been seeing them together more often. Many people weren't buying that.

Misty secretly hoped that Ash liked her back. However, it breaks her heart every single time Ash plays that 'just friends' card.


One day...

Misty and Sakura were having lunch together near the school clinic. The cafeteria was too loud, plus that's pretty much Melody's turf.

Ash and his friend, Jim, arrived at that area as well. They decided to have a seat by the stairs just near the clinic. They noticed Misty and Sakura in that area as well and waved at them.

"You guys will have lunch here too?" Misty asked.

"Yeah. I don't really like it at the cafeteria. Plus, I heard the lunch lady doesn't like it if you don't eat the cafeteria food." Ash replied. "My mom cooked my lunch today, and I know it's going to be much better than the cafeteria food. Don't judge me, okay. I just love my mom's cooking."

Pokeshipping Oneshots! (Pokeshipping Week 2017)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ