11) Allison's Pregnancy

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Allison and I have been married for 7 months and I just now found out she's do to have quadruplets in 2 months. She leaves with Lydia to go shopping and I'm sitting here in our room freaking out. I'm sitting there deep in thought when there is a knock on our door and there is only one person I know besides Allison that would know when I'm freaking out. I still say "Who is it"? The person on the other side of the door answers "It's Me Izzy". I know by the tone of voice and the nickname that it's Stiles. I say "Come in Mom". Even though I tried to keep my voice calm I failed and I know he can tell. He comes in and as soon as he dose I can't keep myself from breaking down. We sit there for what seems like forever before he says "Izzy What's Wrong"? In a broken voice I respond "A...All....Allison is P...Pre...Pregnant". "I don't know what to do". "I'm scared please tell me what I should do Mom". He sits there before brining me into another hug saying "We are here for you". I lean in to the hug and break down again. It's probably 4-5 hours later when I stop freaking out and Allison comes home. I still haven't left mom's side and don't know that I want to at the moment when mom says "Go talk to her". "I bet she's just as scared as you are". I still cling on to mom for a little longer before I let go and say "Alli can I talk to you alone"? She responds "Yes". We go upstairs and sort everything out and then she goes back down stairs. I can't move and I just sit there until I fell a pair of comforting arms around me and I break down again for the probably 6th time today. I just fall asleep in moms embrace and pray that he won't leave. I wake up the following morning in the same embrace I fell asleep in and I see Allison behind me I also feel kind of bad taking mom away from Scott even if I know that he would be able to tell I needed him more. Anyway 2 months later we have everything in order and we are getting ready to go to bed when Allison doubles over in pain and says "'The babies are coming". I start to hyperventilate and mom and Scott come running in mom gives Scott a look communicating one thing and he jumps in to action next thing I know and am able to register is all of us except Jackson and Lydia in the car on the way to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. I also notice I'm clinging to mom yet again. We get there and Allison delivers healthy quadruplets. I still don't feel myself relax and let go of mom who I am assuming I ended up dragging into the room with me and Allison because I still haven't let go an hour later. We have two boys and two girls. Our first born Victoria Ann Lahey is in a onesie that says 'Mommy's answered prayers'. Our Second Born Faith Aimee Lahey is in a onesie that says 'Though she be little she is fierce'. Our third born Christopher Camden Lahey is in a onesie that says 'Future ladies' man (Present Mama's Boy)'. Our last born Joseph Isaac Lahey Jr. in a onesie that says 'Little Peanut '. The boys room together and so do the girls. We also got two dogs named Sam and Kat.

 We also got two dogs named Sam and Kat

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Allison and Isaac's Room

2 Rooms (Faith and Victoria and Joseph and Christopher) 

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2 Rooms (Faith and Victoria and Joseph and Christopher) 

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