Chapter 6

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London POV

"Go now!"

"Everyone stay calm, we going figure this out!"

"Yo, what the fuck is going on?!"

"Some shit finna go down, motherfuckers going die"

"Everyone shut the fuck up and get my daughter off the stage"

I heard voices coming left and right and people I recognized and didn't recognize running past me in different directions. I didn't focus on anyone tho, I couldn't process what just happened.

I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up and take me off the stage. I looked up to see my dad hand me over to Lupita. "Take her home Lupita, now!" I stared at him shocked as he ran back on stage with the rest of my family. Everyone looked stressed, Everyone forgot that just 5 minutes ago I was having the best birthday party ever

"Hurry up Chica, we got to go!" Lupita said as she grabbed my arm and yanked me away. I saw Kejuan coming my way and he looked stressed out. I went to go hug him for comfort but he walked past me without even looking.

Lupita still was yanking me along with her and I could barely even walk. How can anyone process this quickly ? I heard screaming and looked to my side to see Tasia on the floor screaming. Aunty Tatiana and my mom were there holding her but you could tell it didn't help. I pulled away from Lupita and ran up to Tasia to comfort her as tears were streaming down her face.

I wrapped my arms around her so she would know someone was there for her. She quickly pushed me back and I fell backwards. I banged my head on the floor and could feel pressure on my arms. "EVERYONE STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME!" She screamed and never looked up. I felt like I was going to die. My mom or Aunty Tatiana didn't say anything and I ran off. Lupita grabbed my hand and we ran to one of the cars with our security there.

As we drove off you could see the News trucks pulling up to capture everything that happened tonight. I pressed my face against the cold glass of the car window and watched my perfect party fade away.

By the time we got home, Lupita ran inside to call her family. I went upstairs and locked my door. I turned on the Tv to turn to the news and saw my Family on TV. The news people made it inside and went to question my family but they all pushed the camera out of their faces. I turned the Tv off, fuck them

I took my dress off and threw on sum shorts and a tank top. I went to put my headphones in before I heard a bang on my window. I ignored it and then I heard it again. I began to run out of my room but I was curious to see who it was.

I looked out the window to see two boys and one girl outside. They were my friends from school who was at my party. One of them was this sexy dark skin boy names Chris. "Come on!" Chris yelled as he waved his hand for me to come down.

"Where we going?" I said back and the girl who was also my bestfriend named Sage said "Anywhere, let's just go."

I began to smile before grabbing my backpack with my phone and money. I went to my window and luckily there was a tree right there. I got on it and climbed down. All 4 or us began to run off before my security saw us. If only someone would've told me that this day would change my life forever, I️ might not have left...

Kejuan POV

"Davon, my nigga what's going on? I️ hear everyone talking bout it's happening and shit, what the fucks happening?" I️ said as I️ walked up to Davon and he looked stressed out

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