Overwhelmed and Overcoming

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Izaya POV

Everything seemed strange, frozen. I felt outside of everything. I could see everything. I stood a few feet away from the scene, everything completely frozen except for me. I saw my own tortured expression and how my body was arched in excruciating pain. I saw Shizuo's unwavering expression of fury. I saw my father hidden in the shadows, his plan having worked perfectly. He had done what I had been doing for the majority of my life, using people. He had a plan and an idea of attack, of course never getting his own hands dirty. He had used the one thing in the entire universe that I loved against me. And somewhere at sometime, I always knew this was going to happen. This was why I didn't want to get involved with Shizuo in the first place. My worst fear had been realized. I finally turned my head away from the horrible situation in front of me and looked around. I then realized that I had retreated into my own mind, the one place I felt superior and strong. Everywhere else was black, but there were strange lights far off in the sky. I didn't know what they were, and that scared me a little. As they neared closer, I realized that they were souls. Billions and billions of people. The people that had been in my head since birth. And with them came the shouting. They soon were surrounding me, the sound deafening in my ears. I couldn't see or hear or even think in the endless sea of people. I was trapped and lost all at once. Anxiety and fear and anger built up within me, feeling like they were crushing my heart as it beat wildly in me. I soon was drowning. In voices, sights, smells, thoughts, and especially emotions. Everything was so loud and overwhelming. Things became blurry and their screams became muffled, almost like they were all behind a thick wall of glass. This wasn't good. I knew that my body was freaking out and going into shock. I hadn't dealt with anything. I'd never allowed myself to confront my problems. I had run. And now my body was running too, into itself for protection.

Shizuo POV

I hung, defeated and exhausted from my chains. It felt like death was right around the corner, and for probably the first time in my life, I was scared for myself. They had beaten and tortured me in almost every way imaginable and had torn my strength away with such speed that it took my breath away. I knew that Izaya was probably beating himself up right about now. The thought of him made my heart ache. He was really the only one I could love. He was an outcast like me, and that made it so that we were the only ones who could understand eachother.

Yeah. Understand eachother. You do mean manipulating you to his benefit right?

I opened my eyes in shock. Where had that thought come from? How could I even think of Izaya that way? I shook my head, discusted with what I had just done. It was dark. Not a lot of sunlight able to filter through. Soon, I was out again.

*time skip*

I didn't know how long I had been there, but it felt like forever. Horrible thoughts had been corrupting my head and had been getting stronger. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room. I tried to retreat from it, as it hurt my eyes even as they were closed and it meant trouble, but I found that I couldn't even move. Maybe they'd think I was dead. I heard footsteps that then sped up dramatically. "Shizuo!? Shizuo!" I heard. And that voice. Was it? Could it be? No. No. No! He was going to give himself up! I felt his hands on my cheeks, and I heard pain in his voice as he called my name again and again. I tried to move, finding it impossible. My muscles seemed frozen, immobile. I struggled against it, fighting to show him that I was alive. I heard the grief sinking into his voice with pain as he called my name again. My struggle continued, my frustration growing. This wasn't how it was going to go. I was going to open my eyes and see his face if it's the last thing I see and do before I die! Finally, I forced my eyelids open and groaned softly to catch his attention. Immediately, I saw relief flood off of him. "Shizu!" He cried, pressing his forehead gently against mine. "Flea?" I whispered. I still wasn't completely sure if I was hallucinating or not, but I didn't care anymore. I tried to reach for him, but came to an abrupt stop at the discovery that my hands were cuffed. Instead, I returned Izaya's gesture of relief trying to provide some comfort for him. He smiled at me after a moment and stood, quickly picking my cuffs so that I was free. The second those were unlocked though, I felt a strange wave of unusually strong power. I felt myself falling away from control, knowing I was a danger I tried to call out for Izaya but no sound erupted my unmoving lips. I sat there, unable to move or speak but knowing full well what was going on. I saw Izaya's dad erupt from the shadows and say something to Izaya. He looked.....scared. Again. I hadn't, and now couldn't protect him the one time he needed it the most. The next thing I knew, unimaginable rage was flooding my conscious body that I couldn't control. I leapt forward, pinning my beloved flea to the ground. He hit his head and I saw a wave of pain go through him. He called to me, obviously confused and wanting me back. But I couldn't even begin to fight back. It was like there was this tight invisible grip on me that held me from even fighting my own uncontrollable body. Izaya continued trying to talk to me, obviously trying to lead me back to him. I faught. I faught as hard as I could. My muscles ached from the tension I had to put on them. Something was running through my body that was doing this and I couldn't fight it with punches and swinging benches. I had to fight within myself. My attention snapped back to Izaya when I heard a scream of agony from the raven beneath me. I then realized that I had shattered his bone from fighting myself. Stupid stupid stupid! Tension would hurt him! A heavy boulder of guilt settled in my chest, knowing that I had done that to him. I could plainly see the waves of pain that flooded off of him in seconds. The sound was deafening to me, the amount of pain he was in was because of me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, a rage against myself then forming. I was not going to do this. This evil sick plan wouldn't end with me killing Izaya. I refused.

Izaya POV

I sat on my knees, my hands over my ears as I screamed against the noise that continued to deafen my ears. My entire body was rigid as my consciousness huddled within myself. It was kind of like sitting in a little glass box. Like a mime. I hated it. All eyes on me. Deafening screams and talking. Pain that I knew I was causing by not helping them, but literally having no way to do so in this situation. And just as I thought that, I was thrown back into my panicking screaming body that was overwhelmed by all that was going on around him. And as I thought over that idea, I began to come up with a plan. I stopped my screams and forced myself to lower my hands. And now, instead of fearing the chaos, I threw myself into it to embrace it. Now I felt something stir within me, something I hadn't ever felt. As I stood silently, I suddenly felt like I was being crushed. I curled up into a ball as I stood, a silent scream escaping me through the noise. Crushed from the inside and then it grew. And grew. I suddenly knew exactly what to do. I thrust my arms out as if I was releasing the burst of powerful pain. And then.......boom. A shock wave like force exploded from me and forced the crowd around me to drop instantly to the ground. And then....silence. I stood, panting heavily at what i had just emitted. The shock wave then just dissapeared, like it had never been there in the first place. I trembled slightly and looked around at the terrified and silent souls on the ground around me. I tried to regain my composure and took a steadying breath. "Okay. Now that you can all hear me, and I can hear you, you have to listen. I can help you. Some of you at least. Anyone who.....never accomplished anything, never got to help anyone, thought you had no purpose, anything like that, I can help you. But you have to help me so I can." I explained, looking over all of them. "I know I haven't been....good at this, or even been doing this for that matter; But I can start now. If anyone can solve their unfinished business by helping me fight someone who has ruined my entire existence, then join me. Please." I spoke, unsure but confident in the way I spoke. I stood tall, ready for whatever was about to happen. I saw souls standing from as far as the eye could see. Everything else just happened in such a rush. Hundreds, thousands, millions of souls flew into the air and then dove directly for me. A second later, I felt myself absorbing the souls into me, taking them and with their aid, giving me strength that I never thought I could have. I was yet again thrown back into my agonized body, my screams then stopping after I forced my mouth closed. I couldn't stop myself from moaning and hissing a bit though, as I forced myself to lie flat and to breathe. My body trembled with the pain it was having to endure at the moment, but I kept myself as calm as possible. As I calmed myself, the pain in my leg faded away into nearly nothing with the aid of the souls. In one swift motion, I threw Shizuo off of me and stood, a mental apology to him immediately appearing after. But I ran towards Shizuo yet again, the souls within me seeming to give me an ignorance to my leg. I threw myself against him, pushing him back and down to the floor with his weakened state. Though he was drugged, he still had been beaten and tortured. And though I despised it, it would help me in this fight. I finally had owned up and faced the ongoing right that I had been outright ignoring my entire life. I swung at Shizuo relentlessly, though my heart ached to do so. I had to render him helpless if only for a few moments. Unfortunately, he blocked most of my attacks and pushed back towards me. This wasn't going to be easy, but I had to do this. Before I never had another chance. Before my father had the element of surprise and got me before I could fight back. This was the end. Right. Now.

Heyo! I know, with a new update it must be close to Christmas right!? Hahaha! I am sorry for all of the not updating and just not being a good writer in general. But I am going to really really try. It's nearing the end of the book, and I want to finish it with dignity and pride in what I've done. I'm going to be better and I'm going to update again soon. Thank you so much for everyone who has stuck by this book and put up with my craziness. I am so touched that people like my writing and give me such good feedback and just....enjoy what they're reading. You all really are amazing and are invested in this book. I just...can't thank you enough. And I need to live up to that reader investment now. Thank you all so much for 26k reads! That is INSANE! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Some of it was just some reiteration of the previous chapter, but it was important from the other POV. The end of this chapter is an important hint to what the next chapter will consist of. Will they defeat Izaya's father and learn to live with the consequences of their actions today, or will they die together in their attempt to make things right for the world and themselves? Next chappteerrrr!! I loves you all so so SO SO much and I hope to see you in the next chapter! Hope you're excited for Christmas!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Falling In Love With A Flea (Shizaya. IzayaxShizou)Where stories live. Discover now