Visiting Shinra

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Shizuo POV

I slowly carried Izaya onto Celty's bike and kept him close to me as I drove through the streets of Ikebukuro. He shivered from the cold wind hitting his back and cuddled closer to me, I smiled at his actions and kept driving eventually stopping in front of Shinra's house. I got off the bike and took the Flea with me, still carrying him as I walked to the front door, kicking it lightly in order to knock and not drop my little Flea. Shinra opened the door suprisingly quickly and let out a deep breath. He seemed very relieved and opened the door wider in order for me to go through. I carried Izaya in and sat on the couch with him on my lap, still hiding in my neck. He hummed in content and I chuckled at the ticklish sensation that went down my neck.

"So what happened!? What was he up to? Does he need medical help? What's going on!? You guys!!! What-" Shinra ranted relentlessly and I ignored him for the most part.

"Izayaaa" I called quietly.

"Hmnnnnn" He groaned in reply.

"We're at Shinra's. Don't you wanna talk to him?" I asked, struggling to not laugh at how cute he was being.

"Hi. . ." He huffed out pulling away and rubbing his eyes sleepily. I shook my head trying to ignore the blush that I knew was present on my cheeks. He was really cute when he was tired. Jesus. What had I gotten myself into? Shinra laughed at Izaya's sleepy expression heartily.

"Izaya! Haha! Are you okay?" He asked him giggling softly.

"I'm fine. Ugh. . ." He mumbled staring up at the doctor still half asleep. "I was just. . . . .uh. . . nevermind." He answered slowly.

"You're both soaked to the skin! You two should get changed." He advised.

"Yeah we will." I answered softly. Izaya sighed and went back to hiding in my neck. "But I think you should check him up before that. He was about to jump off a roof." I explained the relief that he was alive still very prominent in my head. As soon as I said it, I felt a pinch on my shoulder. Obviously Izaya had wanted to keep that information a secret. Oops.

"He what!?" Shinra exclaimed, shocked at the sudden news.

"Yeah. I talked him down. Now he's exausted. He probably hasn't gotten much sleep lately." I whispered wrapping my arms tighter around his tiny frame.

"Wow." Shinra breathed looking at us intently. Suddenly, Celty ran through the door, hearing that we were here.

"Oh my goodness! Is he alright!? What happened?" She typed worriedly.

"Izaya tried to jump off a roof! But Shizuo here talked him down and brought him here. Izaya's really sleepy right now so he's resting on Shizuo." Shinra explained, grinning happily.

"Woah. Shinra shouldn't you check Izaya up?" Celty asked looking between Izaya and Shinra.

"Ah yes! That's what I was about to do!" He exclaimed chuckling lightly to himself. "Alright Shizuo. Could you take him to the back for me?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. Su-" I began but was cut off by Izaya sitting up.

"I'm still right here ya know." He whined, glaring at Shinra and I. "I'm not an invalid, I can walk." He whispered annoyed. He stood up swiftly and then proceeded to stumble over his own feet. I steadied him by holding his arm and cheekily looked up at him.

"Oh really?" I teased smirking at him. He gave me the finger and glared at me before walking to the back room with Shinra. I sighed and shook my head. Celty sat beside me on the couch and began typing.

"How'd you do it?" She asked tilting her helmet to the side curiously.

"Do what?" I asked back. She sighed but typed again.

Falling In Love With A Flea (Shizaya. IzayaxShizou)Where stories live. Discover now