Chapter 1: Beware, trouble has arrived

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I still remember the first time I stepped into my current school. I had been attending to a low life public school, not necessarily the best public school you could find in town, but it was of my choice. The reason? Impunity. That school had the fame of being practically a zoo, full of students who had repeated four or five grades or even had been kicked out of other schools, teachers who you could barely call them so and a disciplinarian system that failed everywhere you looked at it. Yup, that was my school until I made a choice that would change my life forever in many ways, even when I didn’t know it yet.

Everything started when my two best friends, Valerie and Jazmin, decided to change to the same school. Of course I didn’t think it twice and followed them. What could be better than finishing high school together? My wealthy parents quickly convinced this prestigious new school to accept me, so we were starting the year together.

About this particular school my friends chose there were several rumors, some of them I never thought they could be true. Oh but they were. Unlike my old school, this institution had a very strict disciplinarian system, and a very particular one if I may speak my mind. Despite the fact of having thousand of rules for everything, the consequences of breaking them were huge. A person who we call “tutor” is assigned to each student to supervise their development in the school area and mostly to watch over the student’s behavior. Technically the way of punishment it’s upon each tutor but there’s a popular method that is used here for bigger faults: a spanking. Yes, you read well. Spanking. I couldn’t believe it myself. This thing only made me regret my choice of school, but I couldn’t back off now.

My worries were quickly relieved as I got the chance to meet the man who’d be my so called tutor. Often tutors are also teachers and I had classes with this guy on third period, so I got to study him before our official meeting after classes. He was the teacher of musical arts. As the class went on and on I realized he wasn’t as tough as I imagined he’d be. He was quite young for his profession, around 27 or 28 years old, dark brown hair and cold blue eyes. Totally handsome if you ask me, but I wasn’t thinking of him that way as my other classmates were. All I could think of in my mind was “Oh man, you’ll be so easy to manipulate”. An evil grin crossed my face as I came with the realization that my actions would go unpunished as always, since he expressed to his students his disapproval with the orthodox methods of this school.

Luck wasn’t exactly in my two best friends side. During lunch, we sat down with a bunch of our cool classmates who pretty much explained everything to us, specially how serious tutors were about the spanking thing. Apparently both Valerie and Jazz had gotten the two strictest tutors in the entire school’s history. Poor them, their butts are in a hurry right now. Mine? Not so much. Everybody agreed that Mr. Paul Davis wouldn’t be a threat to me, since he seemed like a nice guy. Only a boy named Jason, who sat down next to me on our first class of the day, didn’t agree with the rest of us. “Beauty is only skin deep”, was all he said.

After lunch I had a meeting with my new tutor. Once school is over, I am to report to him on a designated classroom (mine was 308) so he can check on my behavior for the day and help me with any homework I have left to do. Basically just babysit me for three hours, wonderful. Our meeting went smoothly and he guaranteed me that if I cooperated, everything would work out just fine between us. Hmp, he’ll see how good I am ‘cooperating’.

By the end of the week I had already proven by fact that I could get away with anything I wanted. So far the only thing he’d do was to scold me and tell me how disappointed he was feeling about me. I was just laughing on the inside. Please dude, you’re so not getting through me with your little speech. The last day of the week I had forgotten to do my history report and my teacher told so to Paul. He wasn’t very pleased with the news, more like frustrated with me I’d say, but I gave a damn about it. No one could tell me what to do. No one.

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