"You and me both."

Her eyes widened. "Remy?"

"He's asleep. Imogen's with him."

She went silent, her eyes traveling to the window. "Have you been here all night?"

Sebastian's face warmed. "Maybe."

Her smile grew. "Who knew you were such a softie."

"I'm not," he said, his tone flat. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Mhmm." She patted his forearm. "Your secret is safe with me."

He rolled his eyes. He'd tolerate her teasing for now. After all, she had just awoken from a coma. But he wasn't a softie. He couldn't have something like that attached to his name. He had a reputation to uphold.

"Go get some rest," she told him.

He frowned down at her. "Huh?"

"No offense, but you look terrible. You need to sleep."

"I'm fine."

In actuality, he wasn't. He had only gotten a few minutes of sleep in the chair, and it wasn't exactly the most comfortable resting place. Aches and pains riddled his bruised body. Still, he didn't want to leave her alone. The healers wouldn't be awake for the next few hours. What if she needed him?

"Sebastian," Makaela said sternly. "Go to bed. It's not a request."

"You can't boss me around."

"Oh really?" She lifted an eyebrow at her.

Exhaling in defeat, he rose to his feet. "Alright, alright." He half-turned away from her. "You sure you're going to be okay in here?"

"Yes," she said. "I'm not a child. I can take care of myself."

Those were bold words from someone who had been moments away from death. He supposed he shouldn't have expected anything else from the girl, though. She would've never admitted to needing help even if her life was on the line. Pride, while admirable at times, was a dangerous thing.

"I'll come get you before breakfast starts."

He had been told they were serving French toast in the mess hall later that day. Something told him Makaela wouldn't want to miss out on that.

She nodded gratefully at him.

Giving her one last look, Sebastian turned and left the infirmary.

Makaela attacked her stack of French toast as if she'd never seen food before. Sebastian had to tell her to slow down, fearing she'd choke on her breakfast. She didn't seem to be too concerned.

As she chomped away at a thick slice of bacon, a couple of the magicians sitting at the tables littered around the huge mess hall shot her amused looks. Some of them even chanted encouragingly at her as she wolfed it down.

Sebastian chuckled to himself as he nibbled on a slice of crispy bacon. He was just glad she was out of the infirmary.

"Looks like someone was hungry," Remy quipped from across their table. He held an ice pack against the bruise on his head. It had started to go down, reduced to a small purplish splotch against his fair skin.

Makaela rolled her eyes while wiping syrup from her mouth. "You'd be starving too if you were asleep for two whole days."


Out the corner of his eye, Sebastian spotted a party of magicians entered the opened doors of the cafeteria. They were headed by Catherine and a burly man with a thick, orange beard. The pair shared the same eyes, greener than the flags hanging from the rafters above.

The Black Lotus | Vol.1, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now