6~Oh My Irene...

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First, I just wanted to put this A/N in the beginning because I've realized that the days I said I would post a chapter is a lil to much for me at the moment. So I'm gonna switch it up FOR NOW. So the new one is:


So the days that you will see chapters are Sunday, Wednesday, And Friday. Also I just really wanted to shout out this book called Growing Together by Aarmaufan2k17 . I'm actually in love with it and can't wait for the new and future chapters! Anyway onto the chappy!


September 17th

Aph's Pov:

Today is the day, I'm going to my first ultrasound.

I can't wait but I'm also really nervous.

Also this is how I'm going to tell Aaron.

I'm going to show him the ultrasound pictures.

Just not right away.

"Aaron" I yelled up to him.

"Yeah babe" He said running downstairs.

"I have to go to a doctor's appointment today in a few minutes so I'm right now" I inform him.

"Okay, are you sick?" He asks.

"Just a check up" I say.

"Oh okay, that's good. I'll see you later" He says.

"See ya later" I say and start heading out.

"Oh! And Aph!" He says.

"Yeah" I say turning around.

"I love you" He says.


Time Skip To The Doctors

Im at the doctors office while sitting on a chair by her desk.

She comes in and closes the door behind her, then asks me to lay down on a table like thing.

I lay down on it and she asks me to pull up my shirt to my ribs and I did.

She then puts some gel on this machine like thing and starts to rub it on my stomach.

It was a but cold but quickly warmed up.

We started having a conversion and asked me questions like "How are you?" And stuff like that.

Then she points to a screen and says "There. That's your baby.".

My heart was about to jump out of my chest.

Then she says "Wait" and continues looking around on my stomach with the machine.

I started getting worried thinking if she sees something wrong.

I ask "Is everything okay?".

She says "One second..."

A few seconds later she says "Wait, There's another baby here."

"Huh?" I say confused about what she said and if I was hearing her right.

"You're having twins! Congrats!" She says.

"Did you say I'm having t-twins?" I ask.

"Yep!" She says.

"R-Really?!" I say completely shocked.

There's not even a pair of twins in my family.

Oh wait, yeah there is. Nevermind.

"There's baby a and theres baby b" she says while showing me my babys on the screen.

I say "W-Wow".

"Shocked huh?" She asks.

"Y-Yeah" I say.

"Well that's perfectly fine! Anyway here's your ultrasound pictures" She says handing me them.

"Thank you" I say while taking the ultrasound pictures and she started rubbing the gel off my stomach.

I got off the tabel and said "Bye".

She says "Bye! I'll see you next month!".

I leave and shut the door then head home.

Time Skip To When Shes Home

I opened the door and got greeted by Aaron.

He asks "How'd it go?".

I say "Good".

"Thats good to hear!" He says.

"Yeah. So what are we having for supper?" I ask.

"Steak, Potatos, and Salad" He says.

"Yummy!" I say.

"Haha yeah, I'm gonna start making them now." He says.

"Okay! I'm gonna chill over here and watch netflix" I say.

Aaron heads over to the kitchen and I jump on the couch thinking,

We're really having twins...wow....

Words: 629

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