5~Garroth's Okay

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Bonus Chapter Since It's Halloween:

September 12th

Aph's POV:

Today Aaron and I are going over to Garroth's to see how he's been doing.

He's been through a lot of pain recently and we haven't seen him for a while now.


We open the door and see Garroth on his bed, but he's okay.

We notice something though.

He got his ears and tail.

Aaron and I's expressions were priceless.

His ears and tail were black with dark blue tips.

Garroth looks at us and says "Hey Guys!".

We didn't reply due to the fact that we were completely speechless.

Then Garroth looks at me and says "Hey Aph? Come I talk to you for a second alone?".

"Ummm Sure." I answer.

Aaron leaves the room and Garroth questions me.

"Are you okay Aph?" He asks.

"Huh?" I say.

"I mean-you don't look too good. I mean you look beautiful but you know what I mean" Garroth says.

"Oh um Yeah about that..." I say.

"Aph, what are you hiding?" He asks.

"N-Nothing!" I say.

"Aph" He says.

"Okay fine! Im just scared to tell Aaron something" I say.

"Oh come on! Whatever you tell him it'll be okay! Its not like you're having a baby or anything😂!" He says.

"..." I say.

"Wait, are you guys actually having a baby...?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah" I reply.


"Shhh! I don't want Aaron to know yet!" I say.

"Oh sorry! I forgot!" He says.

"It's okay. Just don't tell him okay?" I say.

"You're secret is safe with me!" He says.

"Thank you" I say.

That's all for this chapter I don't have much time so I have to get going now bye!

Words: 294

My Something ~Aarmau AU~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin