Chapter 1

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A/N: I do not own any of the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super characters. It is all owned by Akira Toyoshima.

Yuna Perspective

I was walking back home, from work, to start training. I don't have a car, so there was only option of flying or walking home. I work at the city, but I live in the countryside where not a lot of people live. Which gives me a benefit of training too. I planned to walk to keep my identity still, and also for the benefit of training too. Everyday was always the same, just work, train, eat and sleep that's my life. Sometimes, I go over to Kaio-sama's place to train, that's where I found out my true identity, a Saiyan. Though, I never knew my parents, however that never became important to me for some reason neither my past when I was young it was weird to be honest. However, these days I never really visit him anymore, since his busy and stuff, so basically I train by myself. Well let's get back to the point, so I was just walking home, and suddenly I felt a large ki coming from afar, and there were another two kis which are both dramatically decreasing. I have to go and see what's going on.

I used Instant Transmission, and teleported to where the large ki is. There was a big fight going on, and looks like this person is going berserk and attacking the two other people. Suddenly, the Berserk person, starting creating a gigantic energy bomb, aiming for the other two. And looking at them, they couldn't move away. I quickly teleported in front of the Energy bomb, and stopped it, then I quickly teleported behind the berserk person, and attacked the vital parts causing the person to be unconscious. Slowly the person starting shrinking to a normal person, lying on top of my arms. I flew towards the other two and asked, "Is she your friend?"

The boy responded, "Yes, she is, umm thank you for helping, Miss."

"It's no problem, looks like your friend here went a bit out of control... Umm here have a bit of my energy, you should be able to move a bit with it at least," lifting one of my hands, I gave some ki to both girl and boy. "There, it should help you for a bit, well here is your friend she's just unconscious just to let you know, so seeya around." I was about to fly of away from them but then one interrupted...

"Ummm excuse me before you leave, can I.. we ask you.. Umm.. well.."

"Go ahead, don't worry I won't bite," I said to the boy.

"Well we.." The girl interrupted the boy saying, "Stop being so nervous, let me tell her. Ok well sorry this guy here is quite nervous. First, let me introduce myself, well my name is Caulifia, this boy here is called Cabba and this friend here is called Kale, my student. So let me start from the beginning, so...."

Third Perspective

Caulifia explains everything to Yuna

"And so can you please join us, it's for the sake of our Universe." Caulifia begged

Yuna responded, "Sure, I'll join, there will be a lot of strong fighters there, right?"

"Yeah, a lot there's going to be other Saiyans in the Tournament too, from a different Universe," Cabba said.

"Really, the Universe that is paired up with us, what is again... Universe 7, right?" Yuna asked

"Yeah, one of them was the one who taught me how to go to Super Saiyan, he's my master" Cabba transforms to Super Saiyan.

"Cool, your ki increased a lot, that's amazing," said Yuna

"Thanks, well shall we show you, our team, please follow me," said Cabba, flying off.

Yuna agrees and follows them to a island.

Caulifia Perspective

We were flying to the island, where Cabba was leading us to. Cabba, Yuna and I chat while we were flying, we chatted and told many stuff. I had Kale over my shoulder, still unconscious. Kale has so much power it's so amazing. However, Yuna was even more amazing even though I hardly saw what happened but I felt a lot of power coming from her.

We arrived at the island, it was quite deserted but it looked good enough for everyone to meet in at least. Cabba led us further in the island, leading us to the other members.

"Hit, we're here and we brang another Saiyan with us," Cabba greeted

Hit?? Who's called Hit, then I say a purple tall figure walking towards us, "So you're Caulifia and the one unconscious is Kale," he said to us. "Yeah, I'm Caulifia and you're..."

"No need for greetings we're here to fight for our Universe that's all." said Hit

Shish, he has some mood there I thought to myself.

Yuna Perspective

I was talking to Hit, he was quite a nice guy, even though he's quiet and moody he still was fine. Oh gosh, I think I'm starting to like him, snap out of it Yuna. Suddenly three people teleported here, I felt both their kis, their kis felt more like God kis, similar to Kami-sama however much more stronger.

I asked Hit, who they are. He told me it was the God of Destruction, Champa, Vados his teacher and the Supreme Kai, Fuwa. I heard of the God of Destruction and the Supreme Kai once from Kaio-sama, I didn't believe they would be here in front of my eyes.

Champa-sama started walking towards me, and started observing me for some reason.

"Hmmm you are quite strong for a person like you.. Wait are you a Saiyan?" I nodded. "You look really familiar to someone I met quite some time ago, but I believe you aren't the person I met, you are too pretty to be that person." I nodded again, I felt really nervous not knowing what to say.

"Champa-sama, you shouldn't look at someone like that? Well shall we take a leave, it's time now" Vados said.

"Oh ok, let's go, we better beat Beerus' Universe. I can't let him win against me," Champa-sama starts walking off to Vados.

A/N: That's it for the Chapter, hope you guys enjoy. If you want me to make more Chapters, please Comment....

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