We Will Fight

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It had been two days since Phantom and the heroes had found out about Vlad's plans. It was the day before the operation and the Leaguers had all been watching him closely, everyone had their own reasons but they still watched him. Most of them were watching him because they didn't think a teenager should be a king, the ghosts didn't agree with them.

Whenever the Leaguers asked a ghost if they thought Phantom should be king they all said yes and glared at the heroes. Even ghosts that used to be his enemies said that he should be king, a lot had changed since Phantom became king. Phantom hadn't let the staring get in the way of what he was supposed to do so he didn't let it bother them.

A few ghost children would come to visit their parents and they weren't shy about talking to Phantom. The heroes were surprised that Phantom was good with kids, they'd play with him and he'd make them laugh. Of course Phantom still got his work done, ghosts would ask him questions and he'd answer them.

He had even helped Skulker with his suit, Skulker vowed to continue to fight Phantom after the battle but they weren't really enemies anymore. The Leaguers also asked Phantom questions to try and see if there was a hole in his plan but they couldn't really find any. Batman was the only one that didn't do that, he knew that Phantom was serious, he had put a lot of thought into this plan.

Phantom still managed to talk to Robin alone and talk to the team as well, Phantom even had something worked out for the crime in the human world. He had ghosts go with the heroes to help since they couldn't spend as much time protecting their cities. They were small teams of ghosts and they went in hour long shifts so they wouldn't get tired.

Now it was the third day, the day that Vlad was going to try and take over the human realm. Tensions were high and the generals had been talking to Phantom in the castle for a while. It was about three in the afternoon and they had been keeping an eye out for trouble in the human realm all day.

Phantom was glad that the generals had gotten along with the Leaguers, of course they still weren't to sure about the heroes. At least this was only temporary, once the fight was over the ghost probably wouldn't have to deal with the heroes again. Phantom hoped to Clockwork that the heroes wouldn't cause trouble for the ghosts, he'd be pissed if they did.

As the sun was going down in Gotham the scouts reported seeing Vlad's forces approaching the city. Reports soon came in from the other three cities that the other cities were about to be attacked. Phantom opened portals for each group that lead to their respective cities and Phantom lead his group through.

A fight broke out almost immediately, if Phantom had to guess he'd say that the soldiers were made by Klarion. Phantom did some research on the members and found out that Klarion could use magic and these soldiers weren't normal. They weren't alive and they were too strong to be human so it was possible that they were made out of magic.

He was glad that ghosts weren't really affected by magic, magic was weak against ghosts so these soldiers weren't to difficult to defeat. Pretty soon it was like an actual battle field and Phantom was fighting soldiers right and left. He punched one in the face, round house kicked another, threw one into three others, blasted a handful and impaled several on some ice spikes.

Phantom activated a comm they had made so they could use it during the battle and he growled as another soldier came after him. He blasted it and he spoke into the comm, "How is everyone?"

Frostbite huffed, "These soldiers are strong but we've managed to hold them off."

"We are alright as well, there have been a few complications but we're alright." Dora said.

"We're outnumbered but we're stronger then the enemy, your plan is working Phantom." Pandora said.

"Let's not celebrate yet, has anyone spotted Vlad?" They all answered no and Phantom glared at nothing as he punched another soldier and knocked it into several others. "Keep me updated on what's going on, I hate to say it but we only get one shot at this."

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