The Halfa

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Phantom was bored, there was no training, almost nothing to do, and he couldn't exactly go out in public. Cujo wasn't asking him to play fetch because the ghost dog was bothering the young heroes. Robin was with Batman right now so Phantom had nothing to do, he was beyond bored.

He eventually started wondering what Vlad was doing, what the hell was his plan, why did he need other people to help him? Phantom got lost in thought until he suddenly heard the zeta tubes announce Batman and Robin's arrival. If they were here when they said they'd be in Gotham for most of the day then this had to be important.

The team went to meet the two and Cujo ran to Phantom's side when he came into the room. Robin went to stand with the team before Batman began to speak, "We found Vlad's last known location." Batman brought up a picture of said location, "He was seen here two hours ago, I need all of you to investigate."

The team went to get ready and Phantom told Cujo to stay at the mountain, he didn't want the ghost dog getting hurt. The team left and Phantom hoped that they'd actually find something this time, he wanted to know what was going on. It took two hours to get there, they landed a fair distance away, they went to check for information the same way as before.

Phantom get in through the top of the building by phasing in and go from the top floor to the bottom. The others would find different entrances and partner up with someone else to check each floor. There were four floors, they'd check each of them and tell the other what they found when they were done.

Phantom stayed invisible the whole time, he wanted to do this without being seen. Phantom checked the first floor and he didn't find anything, he wanted to hit his head on the wall. He sighed, 'I didn't find anything, what about you guys?'

Artemis, Kid Flash, Megan, Superboy, and Aqualad all sounded defeated as they said that they didn't find anything. Robin sighed, 'I didn't find any thi- what the?!' Phantom stopped breathing for a second, that sounded bad, something happened to Robin.

'What the hell's going on, where is everyone?' They were all about to answer when they were grabbed from behind and the link was suddenly cut. 'Is anyone there, someone answer me damn it!' Phantom growled, something happened to his teammates and he had to figure out what it was.

Phantom went to the floor Robin had been assigned to, he was the first person to get taken so that's where he'd start. Phantom found a computer and turned on the screen, he saw that there was a password and he rolled his eyes. He typed something in and it worked, he started looking through the files and he growled again.

There were three sub-levels that they hadn't known about, now Phantom had to get down there and find the others. Phantom sighed, if there were people here at all Vlad might still be here, he'd be able to sense where Phantom was. Phantom transformed so he was human and he crawled into an air vent, he'd be able to look around without being seen.

Phantom found an elevator and he used his powers to short out the cameras inside and he pressed the button to go down. He got to the nearest air vent and he crawled back inside, now to search the first sub-level. He looked for over half an hour and he didn't find them, he silently cursed and went to check the second sub-level.

As soon as he did he was almost caught by some people, he'd have to be more careful. The vents seemed to be his friend right now, it would be hard to avoid so many people without using his powers. Phantom searched for a while before he heard two people talking and Phantom decided to listen.

"Did you here, apparently there were a bunch kids sneaking around on the upper floors."

"Seriously? They must have been pretty dumb then, what do you thinks going to happen to them?"

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