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The team had flown in the bio-ship and they were silent, Phantom was a bit pale and he was bleeding a bit. He hadn't let anyone get close enough to help with his injuries but they were healing so he didn't care. Everyone wanted to ask about the vampire guy, they didn't know his name, but Phantom didn't seem like he wanted to talk.

Once they got back to the mountain Aqualad looked at Phantom, "Please go to the medical wing and take care of your injuries."

Phantom rolled his eyes, "My injuries aren't that bad but if it makes you feel better then I'll take care of them." Phantom went straight to the medical wing and treated his injuries, he couldn't do much about his leg though. Once he was done he walked out and went to the living room and saw that the team was already there.

They all looked like they were deep in thought and Phantom could tell that something was bothering each of them. Phantom had taken over half an hour to care for his wounds so they must have been like this for at least twenty to twenty-five minutes. Phantom was going to say something but the immense pain from his leg made him feel a bit sick.

He sat on a chair near the kitchen and he thought about what had happened with Vlad. The man had helped the GIW capture him so Phantom didn't exactly like the guy, at all. Not even Vlad knew that he was a halfa which Phantom was thankful for, the ghosts in the ghost zone respected him so they didn't tell anyone.

Even the ones that were Vlad's allies hadn't told him that another halfa existed, Vlad didn't even think it was possible. It was night and everyone was tired, Phantom saw that they were all falling asleep and Phantom wasn't going to stop them from sleeping. After about an hour they all fell asleep and Phantom went over to the computer and hacked into it.

He technically didn't have the authorization to use it but he didn't care, what could they do that hadn't already been done to him? Well there were a few things he could think of but these guys would never do that since they were heroes. Phantom contacted Batman and the Dark Knight seemed slightly surprised to see Phantom instead of the team.

Batman looked straight at Phantom, "Where's the team?"

"Asleep on the couch, I wanted to make sure that you didn't freak out in case they didn't contact you yet."

Batman narrowed his eyes, "How were you able to access the computer?"

Phantom looked bored, "I hacked the system, you should really update this thing it was way too easy to get into."

Batman was not amused but he let the subject drop, "What happened on the mission?"

Phantom put his hands in his pockets, "I believe the others are supposed to tell you that, like I said before I'm not part of the team." Batman looked like he was going to say something but Phantom cut him off since he was to tired to deal with anything at the moment. "Well I'm going to hang up now, see ya."

Phantom pressed a button and the screen went black, Phantom sighed and rubbed his eyes. He walked back to the room he was staying in and he sat in his corner and soon fell asleep. Phantom hoped that he wouldn't have a nightmare but he knew that it was probably going to happen anyway.

Phantom was enveloped in darkness at first, just like every night before the nightmares started. Then Phantom found himself in one of his memories, he never knew that it was just a memory until he woke up. Phantom was in a white room, not very surprising since all of the rooms were white in that damn place.

Phantom was currently hanging from the ceiling, upside down, from chains that were wrapped around his ankles. Phantom actually liked hanging upside down, it took the GIW a few hours to realize that he wasn't bothered by it. Two agents came inside the room, "Why the hell isn't it being affected by this?" One of the agents asked sounding pissed.

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