Strange Readings

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The next day Phantom left his room while walking on his injured leg and Megan immediately started freaking out. She flew over to him and as soon as she got to close Phantom took several steps back and she stopped. "You shouldn't be walking around, your leg is broken!"

Phantom was about to respond when Kid Flash ran into the room, "Why are you walking around?!" Phantom was once again interrupted when the rest of the team walking into the room. The only one that didn't tell him he should be resting was Robin and Phantom scoffed.

His eyes started to glow brighter and he took a deep breath, "Enough!" Some of Phantom's power escaped in the form of a cold wave which also caused the lights to flicker for several seconds. Everyone immediately shut up and Phantom calmed down but he still looked a bit angry.

"I can take care of myself calm the fuck down and shut the hell up." Before anyone could say anything the zeta tubes announced Batman's arrival and they all went to see him. Phantom flew since he didn't want to hear anyone telling him not to walk on his injured leg.

Batman looked at all of them before he spotted Phantom, "I need to talk to you Phantom."

Phantom raised an eyebrow, "What about?"

"We've received some strange readings as well as reports from several different locations. I need to know if you might know what's going on."

Phantom crossed his arms, "You'll have to tell me more then that." Batman handed Phantom several papers before he pulled up the information for the readings they got. He quickly read through the reports and looked at the readings, his eyes started to glow brighter.

"There's only one explanation for something like this, where is all of this happening?"

Batman brought up the location, "Care to tell me what you think is going on?"

Phantom shook his head, "I'll have to see it to know for sure."

"Fine, you'll all go and investigate, once you're done report back and tell me what you found."

"I can do this myself you know." Phantom looked completely neutral, this wasn't something that needed an entire team.

"Humor me, leave as soon as possible and try to stop whatever's happening if you can." Batman left and Phantom was deep in thought, it didn't take him long to fly off while still holding the reports. Not even half an hour later they were all in the bio-ship and Phantom was carefully reading the reports.

Aqualad looked at Phantom, "What do you think is causing whatever is happening Phantom?"

Phantom didn't even take his eyes off the report, "Hard to say without seeing it." Over an hour later they were close to where they needed to be and Phantom's eyes were still glowing brighter than usual.

They landed outside of the city and Phantom was the first out of the ship and everyone else followed. Phantom waited for them and they all went into town and wondered what was up with Phantom. They didn't know what it was but he was acting different, the glow from his eyes was also odd.

They weren't sure why they were glowing brighter but the glow was a soft glow, they weren't sure how to describe it. Phantom was too busy thinking to notice the team, if he were in his human form his heart would be beating faster. Once they finally got into town Superboy looked at Phantom, "What should we do now?"

Phantom was about to answer when a blue mist came from his mouth, the world seemed like it wanted to interrupt him every chance it got today. Phantom quickly looked away from the group and flew farther away so he was about twenty five feet away. Everyone was confused but they didn't get a chance to ask what was going on before Phantom was knocked off his feet.

A Ghosts SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora