8. Fashion Industry

Start from the beginning

"Well what the hell did you expect?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry boss."

"You have to be sorry, that was an idiotic move. You're supposed to be procing yourself to me, you want to be apart of the winning side, don't you?"

"Yes sir."

"Then act like it. Do you know who the hell I am? I don't work with rookies."

"I'm not a rookie sir,"

"As far as I'm concerned... you are." I grabbed a seat at my kitchen table and took a sip of my coffee. "How much did you get?"

"30 g's."

"Did you drop it off to the factory as ordered?"

"Yes sir."

"And how much work did you move today?"

"I'm almost done the bag that was given to me. Word on the street is you got the best loud to come to the city."

"Tell me something I don't know." I yawned, and leaned back into my seat. "Anyways, I'll keep working on the wife, mean while you do as much damage to his business as possible as well as, move whatever amount of product that's given to you. I have a new shipment coming from a new business partner in Cleveland so you may be working over time. Is that okay with you?"

"That's fine with me. But may I ask; when I'll be able to leave Zo's crew. It's getting hard having to the juggle the two."

"Listen, I hired you as my inside man for a reason. If you can't handle it... let me know from now!"

"No, no, no. never mind, I'm fine."

"You sure? Cause your boy Ashton looks like he'll be willing to do it without you."

"Nah, I'm good."

"Alright, you know where to go and what to do. Try not to start any more fires. Aiight?"

"Got it, sir and by the way than-." I hung up and rested my phone onto the dining room table. From where I sat, I looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows that lit up the mansion I lived in.

As you can probably already tell, I wasn't the regular drug dealer on the block, I was the one the drug dealers feared. Competition was nothing to me, I kept silent and made my product speak for itself. I had been selling since the age of 13, from the group home I lived in. I worked my ass off from the bottom until I was close enough to the top to take notes to start my own cartel. At first it was rocky, didn't move as much work as I planned but I still did my thing. Worked over time until I made enough connections and started importing some of the best strains of cannabis, as well as the most pure cocaine to ever touch American soil. Word got out and before you knew it, I was on top, becoming one of the best drug dealers in the U.S. not only did I deal to locals, I was importing and exporting to the point where I had border security and members of the U.S. Airmail Post; working for me.

Now here's what makes me different, unlike a lot of men in my field of work; I went to school for business and management. I then proceeded to investing my earnings to keep my hands clean. I put that money right into where I knew I could make double; fashion. I invested in malls, and brands like D&G, Gucci, YSL, Chanel, Balenciaga's, you name it. I invested to the point where I had to make red carpet visits because everyone wanted to know who the man behind these brands were. I now make a dollar out of the fifteen cents I get on the streets, and still keep my name cleared in the process.

"Dad? Still on the phone?" I looked away from the view to see Lucas standing by the door with his bowl in his hand.

"Nah, what's up?"

"Your wife's calling you!"

"Where's she?"

"In her studio."

"Oh boy."

"That's what I said,"

I rose out of my seat and took the last few sips of my coffee before heading down to the basement to where one of my reasons for coming to Canada was working. I had met her a couple years back at a fashion industry business course I was teaching; she was one of the students and I had no business being infatuated with her but I couldn't help myself. Seeing someone so young and dedicated, someone so eager to get their work out of the streets reminded me so much of myself. Not only that but the chemistry was too strong to ignore, I grew to love this woman so much to the point where I said f it and just put a ring on it; someone like this was what you didn't want to lose.

From the sound of the classical music that escaped as I came down the steps I could tell she was in her element. My woman stood in front of a mannequin, staring at one of her pieces with her arms crossed in front of her. "Uh oh, what's the problem now?"

"I don't know... it just doesn't look right to me."

"Honey, it looks amazing." I stood behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "New York Fashion Week isn't ready for you to take it by storm."

"No. I'm not ready for New York Fashion Week, you mean. This looks horrible." She groaned and threw her head back into my chest. "I'm not ready."

"Baby, I've seen the other pieces. You're beyond ready. Stop doubting yourself."

"I'm trying not to, but it's so hard!" I placed a kiss against her head, then spun her around to look at me.

"Listen, I need you to be confident, I need you to know that you are a smart, intelligent, talented woman that deserves this opportunity just as much if not more than the other designers that'll be there okay?"

"I don't know..."

"You need to know, you've been doing this for years. This is your passion, your calling. Now stop this moping around and finish the masterpiece you've started."

"But Hez-."

"I aint playing with you. Turn around and perfect it."

"Fine," she pouted and looked up at me. "I love you."

"I love you more," I pecked her lips a couple of times before spinning her back around. "But you've gotta get back to work.

"You're right."

I began walking away but before I could get to the stairs I felt my phone vibrate again, I looked over to make sure she was focused before I checked it.


Sorry about last night and having to cancel. However, I had a great time running from the fire with you and do hope to do something a little safer with you soon? Let me know if you're down.

P.S. I doubt you'll be getting this warm coat back! :P

I smirked and deleted the message before slipping the phone back into my pocket. "Babe?" I heard my wife call out after me.


"Are you hungry? I could come up and fix you something to eat."

"No, I'll be fine. Just finish what you're doing."

"Alrighty then!" she waved me off and went back to her work. I got to the top, shutting the door behind me.

Lucas sat in the living room, watching American Dad and scarfing down another bowl of cereal. I plopped down next to him, putting my feet up onto the table. "Let me guess, she needed your approval for one of her outfits?"

"Of course."

"Claudia man, so predictable."

III: The Redemption (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now