3) Sandpaper Kisses

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DISCLAIMER: Contains drug use, swearing and sexual content... Oh yeah, and some French.

***ABEL'S POV***

After getting faded alone for what seemed like an eternity the effects were beginning to wear down, I made an attempt to stand up.

"Ah shit Abel. Way to go." I said to myself as I stumbled tipsily to my feet.

I had to lean my weight against the window cill to gain balance again. The alcohol combined with ecstacy made my vision blur as I tried to focus on just one thing.

"You're gonna kill yourself one day." A voice in my head told me. It sounded like her.

I knew that voice was right but I didn't care. I rubbed my hand across my face and let out a sigh as I watched the birds fly by once again. Then I went over to my phone and called my new girl, Thursday's replacement.

"Hey Abel!" She said enthusiastically. She seemed way too excited.

She was tall and skinny. One of those model looking types. She had long black hair and a body that could make any guy kill for her. Her lips were big and always painted with red lipstick. Red seemed to be her favourite colour. Her accent was that of French and she was well spoken. What she was doing with someonelike me? God knows.

"Come over?" I asked.

"On my way baby, hold on just a minute."

"Wear something sexy for me. S'il vous plaît?" (Please) I said with a smirk, knowing that the answer was already a yes.

"Rien pour toi..." (Anything for you) She replied sexily before hanging up.

I lit up another blunt and waited, knowing that she'd be on her way soon.


I made my way through the streets. Although it was the evening and the night was closing in, it was still warm because it was summer. I walked quickly with my head down, trying to not cause any suspicions, but I bet I looked the dodgiest by far.

I knew my way to Abels house so well I could go there with my eyes closed. Although it took a while to walk I had no time to wait for public transport. I needed to get there as soon as possible. I just hope he wasn't with a hoe right now. Seeing that would make me snap even more than I already had.

I remembered the times we had shared as I walked across these familiar streets. I remembered the first time we met in that bar, the time I realised me falling in love with him, the times we fucked. Good times. Until it all came crashing down.

I had finally approached his door. I took a deep breath as I stood outside it. I stood there for a while to be honest, debating what to say, what to do and how I would say it. Imagining what could happen. What if someone was there with him? What if he wasn't even home? What if he shuts the door on my face?

"Snap out of it bitch. You came here for a reason. Now get your freedom." I said to myself harshly.

"You're right." I replied to myself.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed before ringing the doorbell.

***ABEL'S POV***

"That's right babygirl. Say it again for daddy." I growled into her ear before slapping her ass again.

"Abelll." She moaned out loud.

"Louder." I growled again.

"Abelll give it to me pleasee." She begged

All of a sudden we were interrupted by the sound of my doorbell ringing. I chose to ignore it at first until it rang again and then again a third time. It must be fucking important if they didn't take the hint by now.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Right now really? Can't I just get some pussy!?" I sighed fustratedly before getting up off the bed and pulling on my clothes.

"We were just getting to the best bit!" She said with her french accent, her lips pouting

"Don't worry, I'll be back in two seconds to finish what we started. Trust me." I smirked before leaving the room.

I swear to God who ever this is better have a good excuse for cock blocking me.

I unlocked the door and opened it. That's when I saw her standing there. What the fuck was she doing here!? I told her to leave me the fuck alone... I must be tripping on something right now. Hallucinating or some shit.

"What the fuck...." I said as I blinked my eyes at her.

"Abel. It's me." She said softly

Hey guys! What did you guys think?
So I know I said chapter 3 was gonna be a crazy one but I thought I'd make you wait a little more for the climax, so this is just kinda a filler.
Until next time XO💜

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