Chapter 8: Evasion

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"Oh come on, Lydia," Kira cried into the phone, "A girls day would be fun!"

"A girls day equalling me and you?"

"...and Malia... and Cora..."

Lydia tried not to laugh like a mad woman, "That doesn't sound like a day of fun to me, it sounds more like a day of 'let's get to know you so when we leave you out you'll only be slightly mad at us'. Seriously Kira, I would hang with you but today is not a good day."

"Why don't you want to get to know them? They're practically in the pack as it is! And Derek's been helping Malia for months now. The past week or so, since school let out, Scott's been doing nothing but helping her too!" Kira pleaded, "We need a day of normalcy."

"Normalcy is what I am getting and won't with them. I hope I'm not coming off too mean here, Kira, but I just want a day to myself. I'm sorry. I want to get to know them, but when it's not forced. You know? Like with you, Scott or even Stiles."

Kira hesitated, "Are you sure you're not just ditching me to go hang out with said guy?"

Lydia scuffed, "What? No. Why would you say that?"

"Oh, nothing. Nevermind then."

"Why would you think that?"

"Have you seen the way you guys act? You're always together and now neither one of you have hung out with anyone else since school let out. Yes, it's a good thing we haven't had any supernatural issues but still," Kira explained, "You need a break."

"Well, I don't think I do," Lydia slipped her green purse across her chest, pulled her brown backpack on to her shoulders, and dragged her suitcase behind her as she walked out her front doors, "I'll see you sometime next week okay? I've got to go."


"I'm about to drive, Kira. I've got to go! Tell me about today later, okay?" Lydia spoke.

"Fine. Talk to you later."

And with that Lydia closed her phone and fit it into her simple purse.

She then opened her car's trunk and put her two bags in there, leaving a suitable amount of room for more suitcases as needed. Climbing into her seat, she started the engine and pulled out her phone again. The tone dialed three times before he answered; he sounded out of breath.


"How goes it?" Lydia backed out of her drive way.

Stiles chuckled, "Peachy. Just dragged my suitcase down the stairs and am starting to reconsider my life's choices."

"Why in the world would you do that?" Her voice was filled with affection.

"Oh, I don't know. I've just got this feeling that I'm out of shape and a certain 5'3'' strawberry blonde is going to make me carry all the bags, anywhere we go," He teased, finally sitting on his front porch.

"You might be right," Lydia smiled to herself, turning on to his street. She hung up the phone.

Stiles saw her and quickly took his suitcase and track bag to the curb.

"You look like a stoned hitchhiker!" Lydia laughed, she had rolled down the passenger's side window to get a better look at the bags under his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. You're the funniest, Lyd," She popped the trunk for him and waited until he sat next to her in the car to drive away from his house.

Stiles looked at her with a know-it-all expression, "Lydia."

"I'm going to the store. Gosh, you're worse than my mom. I know we need snacks and drinks and gum and this and that. So hush," Lydia presumed.

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